32 definitions by Wade

To hit someone with a handful of flour while they are asleep, covering their heads. Results in the production of "nose muffins".
Let's antique his sleeping ass.
by Wade March 22, 2003
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To fart, one who passes gas.
Dave is a real assripper.
by Wade December 9, 2003
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A bunch of idiots going right for way too long. Are you friggin' kidding me? These guys think going in circles makes them look fast? Trying turning right every now and then you flamin' idiots! F1 and the WRC drivers have more skill in their big toe nail than these rednecks!
Let's all get together and drink beer at the Nascar event and look like total retards! MAybe someone will crash so we actually have some art for the living room!
by Wade July 5, 2004
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an obnoxious best friend of vietnamese descent. has a knack for puking on floors spontaneously without remorse, and never smiles.
"Dung you whore, why wont you clean up your vommit?"
by Wade February 12, 2004
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having strong opinions on a topic
Your brother is very personated in regareds to his classes.
by Wade November 23, 2004
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another word for having sexual intercourse, hard. Especially with a hot babe who loves to pork (see pork)
hey man, me and your girl are going to cut.
by Wade October 27, 2004
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when your name is a type of flower, and you are a huge ass.
Hey ass flower how you doing? I dont hate you.
by Wade July 2, 2002
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