15 definitions by VisOne

A word used when somthing is just fuking GREAT! better than anything you can think off
"Shit this Savlo is the fuking Koots"

"Ohh yeh fuking look at his air tracks there the koots"
by VisOne March 28, 2003
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Commonly used in reference to a person on coke or any other hard drug
"Jason yeh I know that smack tard"

"Heres your rock ya little smack tard"
by VisOne March 25, 2003
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A group of online gamers or lanning gamers who fight as a united group.

Often traced back to there been friends, colleges or just fighting for a common goal such as to be the considered best, to be considered a real gamer and not a noob or just fun
Telstra GameArena runs Clan Ladders, where anything up to hundreds of clans usually about 8 ppl can come together and fight on common servers with constant rules. Ie: anti cheating etc

In games such as Cs or Dod
by VisOne March 24, 2003
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Someone who is a member of Inthehut.org who has posting rights
VisOne, Gnool, Billy are all Huttians
by VisOne July 19, 2003
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the term used when a baby is born, and is NOT a child but in fact a fully grown teenager, common among births where the couple were relations or step brother/sisters
"Axe man, dam hes Petes and his step sisters Man Child"
by VisOne March 25, 2003
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A little site out .org way worth taking a look, just dont take any thing there to seriously
Why is it called inthehut.org?
(This is sort of a weird answer so prepare yourself.) "The hut" in question is the hut you can see on the main page. It is at a football field near Ipswich Road. Alice and Rosie went there one day in October (a.k.a. "Alice and Rosie month") 2000 to watch their brothers play football. Alice liked the hut because she could stand up in it without hitting her head. Then they made a special hand sign to go with the hut which looks like a hut-shape, and then they went around telling people they had never met before (including Steve and Duncan) that they were "in the hut". "In the hut" means cool, except nobody really says it in that context anymore.

by VisOne March 24, 2003
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