5 definitions by Vicky hearty

Alisha Walker is a SFY performer in England other wise known as Bulldog for her small appearance and firry attitude. She's an audience favourite and is known in Canada and Luxemburg.
Alisha Walker is joining us today.
by Vicky hearty February 17, 2015
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Song- "I love you like the sun set Baby"
England- "That's so cheese"
by Vicky hearty February 17, 2015
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Cock blocking between girls. When your friend is getting in the middle of you and a significant other or a one night stand. Basically stopping your love life. Tit blocking is used when your friend doesn't have anyone else and doesn't want to be the only single girl in the group, or when your drunk and ready to climb into the taxi with creepy Steve from HR.-example
by Vicky hearty February 17, 2015
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A sarcastic sentence meant to patronise and mock someone and show that you don't give a fuck.
Them- You're a bitch
You-That's nice
by Vicky hearty February 17, 2015
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