375 definitions by Urban Dictionary

Music that Americans CAN NOT MAKE. Interpol, The Killers, The Shins, these are examples of worthless American 'indie' bands. Good indie bands with a message and style include: Babyshambles, The Cribs, The Arctic Monkeys, wow how about that they are all ENGLISH.
Indie rock is the best genre of music these days.
by Urban Dictionary September 12, 2005
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a way of agreeing with an action, plan, or idea.

-taken from Shop Boyz popular song Party Like A Rockstar.
"hey let's go see that new movie tonight"

"totally dudes!"
by Urban Dictionary September 3, 2007
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Ok. Here’s a brief description of the presidents from the beginning of the depression until the beginning of World War two.

So, at the beginning of the depression in October of 1929, you got Hoover in office. At first, everyone thinks its just another depression, that happen every so often. At that point, no one had any idea how bad it would be. Hoover believed in the concept of “rugged individualism” where basically, he disagreed with socialism/communism (more basically, he was conservative). So he started out with no special programs, as any president would have done (including FDR) in his position. He started out with encouragement towards business management, then when everyone started to realize it was bad, he started to move towards more drastic measures, such as his lowering of mortgage rates and the government buying crops from farmers. The only time that people realized the actual issue the nation was facing was at the end of his presidency, which is when he came up with his plan that he would have used had he been reelected. Well, he wasn’t. So, after FDR took office, he went to him and showed him his plan. FDR went and used it as if it were his own idea. His “New Deal” was an edited (edited for the worse, more towards socialism) version of the plan that Hoover had shown him. The thing is, the New Deal didn’t do much. It was somewhat successful in helping the economy, but not all that much more than that of what Hoover had done (that is if you consider that FDR could have done a lot more in office because he had been in during the depression for much longer, so you have to look at how much they did proportional to how long they were in). His New Deal was all good and fine, but if you look at the charts (trust me, I have), you see that World War Two was the major contributor to the economic recovery. You see that starting in 1942, there was a dramatic increase in GDP (Gross Domestic Product). This was completely a result of America’s well known success at times of war. The American economy always performs better and more efficiently during times of war, as it did in WWII and took us out of The Great Depression.

Ok, so this is basically FDR's contribution: He didn’t do all that much, WWII did all everyone though that he did. All the good he did do, was because Hoover told him what to do.

Thank you for taking the time to read what took me a somewhat considerable amount of time, long enough for me to do it in Word so I wouldn’t lose it by accident if some stupid shit happened.

Well that took a long time to write, a longer amount of time than how long FDR had to think about whether or not he should take Hoover's idea.

Take a look at some of my other definitions biatch.
by Urban Dictionary January 19, 2006
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Due to a ranking of drugs. It's still in the works. All drugs have not been tried/ranked yet.

see number two
What are you doing tonight?
About to get me some of that number three.

What are they on right now?
They are hella number threed out!
by Urban Dictionary November 15, 2008
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getting a large group of drunken Sods to tip a cow on its back in the middle of the night.
Hey am pissed lets go cow tippin
by Urban Dictionary February 10, 2005
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Kerry Getz (Professional Skater) - Kerry has medaled in every X Games since 2000. He took home the first Street skateboarding medal (2001's first "true" Street event), took silver in Street Best Trick and finished it with a silver in Park. A Philly, PA, local
Kerry "Hockey Temper" Getz
by Urban Dictionary November 17, 2004
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Brown, proud, slick, fast, smart, hard-working, caring, loving and sincere people originating from the Philippines.
Putang inang shiet!!!
by Urban Dictionary May 31, 2005
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