6 definitions by Uncleboozer

Drinking alcoholic beverages as a young piglet would suckle from the teet of his mother aka suckling pig
Man I was sauced last night, I had to suckle down on a few paddys just to get my head in the game
by Uncleboozer August 23, 2019
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A small area dedicated to the upkeep and maintenance of ones manhood
I put a big shift in last night at the wank station really feeling it today
by Uncleboozer August 23, 2019
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Another hybrid of two common sayings, this rarely heard only by those in the highest echelons of society
by Uncleboozer August 23, 2019
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It's not merely the smoking of ones boin that defines you as a man
by Uncleboozer August 23, 2019
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To masterbate so vigorously that it resembles shaking a member of the clergy in a most violent manner
I've been really pushing my luck recently, you can only throttle your bishop so much before someone calls the cops Throttling the bishop
by Uncleboozer August 23, 2019
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