13 definitions by Tyson D. Knine

Failure to take the early retirement offer and then discovering you’ve been pink-slipped only a few weeks later. (RE/Example- Texas Education Budget Cutting by the Republicans)
Texas Teacher #1: What happened to old man Wilson the history teacher? Did he retire?
Texas Teacher #2: Nope…. He was GadaffieChopped.
by Tyson D. Knine March 21, 2011
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When the honor & integrity of a person’s “spoken word” is considered by his or her “Audience” as being worthless or meaningless. To NOT BE WORTH the person’s “Word”.

Origins: A term derived by the use of “Mc” by the company known as McDonalds Fast Foods whereas most “Jobs” working for the aforementioned are considered to be dead-end and of little value. IE: McJob .... Coined in Honor of “McJobs”, as well as having honor for your spoken promises (AKA: “word”).
Use Examples:

The politician wasn’t worth his McWord.

The McWord of a Republican is obvious related to the wellbeing of America or Americans.

He discovered that his friend’s promises were nothing more then McWord.

by Tyson D. Knine October 13, 2007
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Refers to being or becoming a “Victim” of a “Drive-by-shooting”, “Gang related Shooting” –or- Highway “Road-rage” whereas armed shoot-outs results in a casualty or fatality.

Origins: A term derived by the private security company employed in IRAQ know as “Blackwater Security” in honor of their practice of randomly shooting at anything –or- anyone that gets “Too CLOSE”.
Use Examples:

The gangster was Blackwater ROAD-kill.

If you don’t clean-up your driving, you’re going to end up as Blackwater ROAD-kill.

Because he was at the wrong place at the wrong time, he was Blackwater ROAD-kill.

by Tyson D. Knine October 13, 2007
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The art of spending tens of thousands of investigative man-hours, Ten's of millions of taxpayer's dollars, & fruitless Congressional time attempting to detract everyone away from the fact that years after the fact (And every ounce of cheap political mileage is long sense been squeezed out of it) YOU STILL HAVE "ZIP" to show for your wasted efforts.
Person #1 Q- Do you think this stupidity will ever end?
Person #2 A- Not as long as anyone thinks there's any spend-ghazi left in it. ; The wizards of McWord will keep it alive on life-support as long as there's a Clinton they can try using it on.... over....& over..... & over.....
by Tyson D. Knine November 10, 2015
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Any situation that requires the wisdom & experience that usually only comes to old age.

Use Examples:

Being a Gray-Matter, it was turned over to their most experienced employee.

Because it was a Gray-Matter, the children couldn’t handle the problem.

A Gray-Matter usually requires the skills of persons over the age of 40 years.

by Tyson D. Knine October 13, 2007
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(Pronunciation: ROW-“V”-“O”) Referring to a single (or small group of) individuals (usually found on “Political” or “General News” Internet Discussion sites that attempt to OVER-RUN or OVER-FLOW the online discussion / debate forum with repetitive “Copy-Pasted” pro-BUSH *or* pro-REPUBLICAN *or* pro-New-Conservative (pro-Neo-Con) partisan propaganda. (AKA: “SWIFT-Goats” *or* “Neo-Tards”) ; Named / Coined in honor of “Karl Rove” of Bush Administration fame for his “Questionable” political strategy & exploits while working as counsel to “President George W. Bush”. “Karl Rove” was often times referred to as “Bush’s Brain” based upon a book by the same name.
The 27%'ers that still support the Bush Administration are just a bunch of ROVE-e-o Queens.

That Discussion Board Swift-Goat Poster-child is just another ROVE-e-o Queen.

Leave it to a ROVE-e-o Queen to support and alibi for politicians caught red-handed in sex stings & corruption scandals.

ROVE-e-o Queens are usually the same ones that are out there on the one hand promoting the Minuteman Project while on the other hand supporting GWB "Guest Workers" program.

ROVE-e-o Queens seem to be some very con-fused folks that need their "Political Programmers to tell them what to think.
by Tyson D. Knine October 7, 2007
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