12 definitions by Trusted Guy

If your password is 'password' you're screwed.
My password is rhnw204ueunseu3745, so no hackers hack me. I store this in a password manager.
by Trusted Guy August 25, 2022
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Unless you have Alzheimers disease, I don't think we should be discussing this topic.

Or if you are Osama reincarnated from heaven
We are totally not terrorists, and not going to make this plane crash into the Twin Towers. We are totally normal tourists who haven't seen the inside of a cabin. Totally. Translate what I said into Arabic
by Trusted Guy September 28, 2023
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When you forget things.
What was the word again?
Doc - You have cancer
Patient - What else?
Doc - You also have Alzheimers
Patient - Well at least I don't have cancer.
by Trusted Guy September 28, 2023
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All the definitions on Urban Dictionary were written by people just like you. Now's your chance to add your own!
Please review Urban Dictionary's content guidelines before writing your definition. Here's the short version: Share definitions that other people will find meaningful and never post hate speech or people personal information.
should include the new word being defined
by Trusted Guy August 26, 2022
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Clicking the like button means you like the content
Clicking the dislike button means you hate the content
Click the like button
Lets try get 500 likes
The like button should be just under this sentence
by Trusted Guy September 15, 2022
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