38 definitions by Trey


what kids with camera phones do in school
Jarad Morgon took a crazy upskirt shot of Jen Hunsinger
by Trey December 14, 2004
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St. Gertrude's

st.gertrude's is exactly the same as any other private school in richmond except 4 the fact they got uniforms, other than that they all ugly ass muh fuckaz, rich ass snobby ass 2 cent crackwhores, and they all throw themselves at the brother schools, shut da hellup cuz im da onli 1 aloud 2 talk dis shyt!
Like oh my gosh, i go to like st.gertrudes and i really dont know why i hate those st.catherines girls but it might like umm be because like they're just like us!!
by Trey March 11, 2005
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God is a made up guy used to give hope to the people 2000 years ago. He was their way of explaining EVERYTHING.
God is a mythical being.
by Trey February 23, 2005
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someone who lives in boston, goes to a boston school and supports the yankees for unprecedented reasons.
monica only watches the yankees because she thinks they're hot. (and her screen name is soccerchik...say something? i think so...)
by Trey April 3, 2005
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two words you say when you grab your crotch area and pull up
''look at them wheeeeeeels!'', buck-buck.
by Trey August 27, 2004
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To cause transformation of (a liquid or sol, for example) into or as if into a soft, semisolid, or solid mass
her blood after she was stabed 30 times in the neck began to coagulate on the floor after the first 48 hours of being there
by Trey June 26, 2004
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slang for "hell yea"
also see: "heek yeek"
Cox: My 95 Civic with the big fin, racing stripes and loud pipes is the shiznit!
Bom: Heek!
by Trey February 6, 2003
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