5 definitions by Touchgrassthinkfast

One word: Delusional.

Says they're powerful, can't take a joke.
Says they're strong, constantly finds ways to be a victim.
Says they're perfect, crumbles under any criticism and lashes out with gaslighting and projection.
Says they can change the world, can't figure out how money works.
Says things with confidence, later debunked by basic Google search.
Says they know the facts, starts every sentence with "I feel".
Says they're smarter than all older generations, can't spell "your"/"you're" or "their"/"they're"/"there"
Says that capitalism is bad, pays $60 for alt costumes in gacha games.
Says they trust the science, believes LGBTQ is the future of humanity.
Says 'hate speech' is not tolerated, immediately insults anyone who disagrees with them on anything.

**The only generation that would even try to turn 4chan into a Safe Space(tm).**
**The generation with the most members who unironically think Communism is good.**
**Allergic to all forms of grass.**
Millenial 1: Hey, bruh...
Millenial 2: Yo?
Millenial 1: Gen Z.
Millenial 2: lmao

Gen Z: Toxic, racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, anti-woman, hateful, cancerous, bigoted-
Millenial: lolWUT read the rules of the internet

Gen Z: Validate my opinion or I'll block you!
Millenial: Block me? That means I win, right?
by Touchgrassthinkfast October 23, 2023
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At least two types exist:

1. Person who claims to reject what they perceive as "both sides," while ignoring the realization that centrism carries the implication of embracing the virtues of both sides.

2. Person who claims to be moderate, yet exhibits a pattern of behavior that typically and exclusively defends or exempts one ideological belief from criticism.

This phrase is a tongue-in-cheek mockery, often cast upon those who lack self awareness; this flaw is commonly exhibited by those who want to be perceived as having risen above the standard, despite having obvious and often stereotypical biases.

Typically, the Enlightened Centrist takes what they perceive as a neutral position, by claiming "both sides" are flawed. However, the irony of this position is the complete disregard of the possibility that both sides sometimes may be right when it comes to certain issues. Thus, the "Enlightened Centrist" has inadvertently still chosen a partisan position while believing they have somehow conquered the conundrum of opposition.
Person 1: I voted for Joe Biden because I hate Trump. He's much worse.
Person 2: I've seen the results of both. I would rather have had Trump.
Person 1: Both sides are bad! But, I'll pick Biden over Trump any time.
Person 2: Yeah both parties suck, but you can't deny that Trump at least helped our economy.
Person 3: Can both of you Enlightened Centrists shut up? Both of them are morons.
Person 1: Oh, yeah? Then, who did you vote for?
Person 3: Bernie Sanders.
Person 2: ... And you call us "Enlightened Centrists?"

Example 2:

Person 1: I think the Israel and Palestine conflict is dumb. Both sides should stop the fighting.
Person 2: Okay, who stops first?
Person 1. Well, obviously Israel. They're acting out a genocide of Palestinian people.

Person 2: Who started this fight though?
Person 1: Well, obviously Israel. They started it hundreds of years ago when they stole Palestinian land!
Person 2: So, Israel should stop fighting and just let Palestine take their land back?
Person 1: No, no, that's not what I'm saying. I just want the fighting to end.
Person 2: ... By having Israel take the loss. You think you're being an enlightened Centrist, but you're clearly biased.
by Touchgrassthinkfast March 17, 2024
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The mocking phrase used to water down and oversimplify the general point being made in an attempt to dismiss the severity of Hillary Clinton's preferential treatment at the hands of the FBI, back in 2015 when she was subpoenaed by Congress to turn over government emails that she illegally hosted on a private server that led to concerns over national security.

Clinton destroyed all devices containing any information related to the emails and wiped all of her servers in a blatant defiance of the subpoena, another illegal act that also went miraculously unprosecuted by the FBI and DOJ.

The point in Trump supporters bringing this up in relation to Trump being pursued on the documents he is accused of illegally possessing, is to compare the hypocritical ignorance of the left and democratic political spectrum with the situation at hand as Trump allegedly declassified the documents as sitting President while Hillary had not once ever stepped into the Oval Office.

The phrase "but her emails" serves to mock Trump supporters over Hillary taking advantage of the two-tiered justice system that ignores blatant democrat illegality and fabricates republican illegality.
Person 1: "Trump had documents at his Mar-A-Lago residence! That's illegal!"
Person 2: "That's not illegal because he declassified them. But even if it were, what about Hillary's emails?"
Person 1: "bUt HeR eMaIlS"
Person 2: "That's not an argument. If you're going to go after Trump, you need to address what Hillary did or we're not taking you seriously."
by Touchgrassthinkfast July 29, 2023
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A type of person you can't criticize according to the woke left-wing, much like how Jews are for the right-wing.
Urban Dictionary keeps deleting my truthful entries describing what Palestinians actually are, because they are propagandists.
by Touchgrassthinkfast March 23, 2024
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Person who picks fights they can't win, loses, then plays victim.
Person 1: Palestinians have a right to live in peace!

Person 2: Have they tried not attacking random nations?
by Touchgrassthinkfast March 20, 2024
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