10 definitions by Tom Sroka

1. A hoagie from WaWa or any other hoagie making place that includes all possible ingriedients all at the same time (i.e. An Italian Hoagie with mayonaise, tartar sauce, horse radish, lettuce, tomatoes, pickles, onions, ketchup, salt, pepper, etc. etc.)

2. A person who is a fucking monster, for being slovenly dressed or hobo-looking in his dress. (Also See Fonstress for the female version).
That hoagie has 72 toppings...that's a Fonster!

Dude, you put on 30 pounds in the past week eating nothing but hoagies and mayonaise, you are a Fonster!
by Tom Sroka October 27, 2007
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A black person who is soft spoken, calm, and you know...not a crazy, jumping up and down, shouting, rapping, crazy black person.
Black and Mild: Hello, sir. How are you today?

Black Person: What you say b? I be crazy whack nigga sup now!

Black and Mild: Um, pardon me?
by Tom Sroka November 2, 2007
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The actof a girl riding a guy but bouncing up and down on his cock. WARNING: If the cock slips out of place, prepare for pain.
That girl was unusually hyper last night and was doing a trampoline on me! Shit nigga!
by Tom Sroka October 27, 2007
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