A nonsexual technique of spending a night on a bed next to a girl without engaging in any physical contact.
by Lobstereye February 26, 2013
by thechas3 September 29, 2020
To get fucked.
Jason: Dude I got laid last night
Bob: Awesome! Was she any good?
Jason: Naw I pretty much had to do it all myself
Bob: Awesome! Was she any good?
Jason: Naw I pretty much had to do it all myself
by Anonymous August 20, 2003
"Getting laid" is a less crass version of "getting fucked". Therefore, the expression lends itself to being used in limericks and other types of poems, such as the one below...
There once was a girl from Belgrade.
She was hot like a Soviet grenade.
She knocked on my door,
Lied down on the floor,
And said: it shall be my wish to get laid.
She was hot like a Soviet grenade.
She knocked on my door,
Lied down on the floor,
And said: it shall be my wish to get laid.
by kinkylimerix January 12, 2015
by manda March 22, 2005
the first thing an egg does
"How do you expect me to get hard so fast?" the egg asked the boiling water. "I just got laid a minute ago."
by Mike the Ekim July 6, 2005