50 definitions by Toa Pohatu

Being drained of energy physically and emotionally.
All that hard work frazzled me.
by Toa Pohatu April 7, 2017
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To mix something,even dough,until it becomes well uniform.
To make dough,we need to add flour ,with water mixed with a little spoon of sugar,a pinch of salt,three spoons of olive oil on the mixer,and we homogenize it until it becomes perfectly uniform.
by Toa Pohatu April 20, 2017
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1. easily embarrassed, shy, timid.
1.I was back in the days bashful,I've inherited it from my mother.
by Toa Pohatu February 8, 2017
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1.To leave something alone; to avoid attempts to correct, fix, or improve what is already sufficient.
I broke a playstation remote,maybe after when my cousin fixed it,but I broke it even worse,I couldn't leave well enough alone.
by Toa Pohatu March 20, 2017
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Short word for,, hairdo''.
I want to make myself a new do.Mine looks nasty.I saw at the mall they made a new barber shop.
by Toa Pohatu March 2, 2017
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You better get back home to the missus.I think she is worried about you.
by Toa Pohatu April 5, 2017
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Term meaning ,,wife''.
I should better get home to the missus,or else she is gonna kill me if I don't come earlier.
by Toa Pohatu March 18, 2017
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