16 definitions by TheUrbanSchollar

To masturbate while in a videocall using a videotelephony and online chat service such as Zoom, Telegram, Instagram, etc.

This term was coined after New Yorker reporter Jeffrey Toobin was caught masturbating on a Zoom call.
Students caught toobin during my class's online session will be reported to NYU for misconduct.

I'm of the opinion that there's nothing wrong with toobin... that's unless you voluntary expose yourself .
by TheUrbanSchollar June 10, 2021
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An umbrella term for people who don't identify with the race they were assigned at birth.
He is transracial, which means he was born a Caucasian male but is really a Black male.

Urban Dictionary apparently has a lot of transphobes.

Similar to transgender people, transracial people had to fight so their identity could be recognized.

She's transracialgender which means she was born a Black man but is really a white woman.
by TheUrbanSchollar January 14, 2021
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To loathe, dislike, or feel disgust for transgender people.
Jane: Why would you say that about Emma? You're so transphobic, Lucas.

Lucas: I don't fear or hate trans people. I simply loathe and dislike them, thus I'm not transphobic but transfastidic.
by TheUrbanSchollar April 3, 2021
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The loathing, dislike, disdain, or scorn of transgender people.
Unlike what many believe, there's not so much transphobia as transfastidio. Most people don't fear trans, but simply dislike them.
by TheUrbanSchollar April 3, 2021
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(noun) A pathetic beta male that gives money to thots, and who's most likely subscribed to their subreddit or Twitter feed where he defends her honor in order to get validated by his peers and hopefully get some pussy crumbs.
"Look at that fucking simp, Marcus. He actually thinks that girl likes him. What a fucking loser."
by TheUrbanSchollar December 31, 2021
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A phrase often used to describe the blank, unfocused gaze of a naturally promiscuous woman after riding the cock carousel for too long and who's now incapable to pair bond with a man. It's argued that this vacant gaze is typical of women with the emotional and psychological issues that correlate with excessive promiscuity. It's unclear if the emotional issues stem from the promiscuity, or vice versa.
John: Why does Steph look so empty and hollow in her pics?

Daniel: She had her fun in her 20s but now she cannot find a good man who will commit to her. Look at the thousand cock stare in her eyes.
by TheUrbanSchollar January 2, 2021
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A fat woman with a bitchy and cunty demeanor.
When Ian married her, Karen was neither fat nor a bitch. However the last two years, she's become a cuntopotamus with her bitchy attitude and her fat ass.
by TheUrbanSchollar July 22, 2021
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