109 definitions by The Moody Poet

An Islamofucktard is any Islamic fundamentalist terrorist who use children or handicapped children to carry out suicide bombings.

NBC and CNN have reported that the political party Hamas and other Islamic fundamentalists have used handicapped children and handicapped adults with such ailments as down syndrome and mild retardation to carry out suicide attacks.
"Only an Islamofucktard would use a retarded child or any child to do a suicide attack!!!"
by The Moody Poet January 3, 2007
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The act of killing a close relative either by murder, accident or malicious intent in not assisting in giving immediate medical assistance. Or to aid in the false imprisonment of the relative until they are dead.

To stand by and let a close relative die i.e Mom or Dad and do nothing, while rubbing your fingers together with the thought of a nice big fat inheritance.
Although Trevor died from a massive blood clot to the brain, a natural stroke. There was evidence that parricide had been committed.

-Phones had been tampered with.
-Immediate medical assistance was not given.
-His clothes had been torn off his body to exacerbate temperatures.
-Locks had suddenly sprung up as if like a prison.
-Money and valuables were missing.
-Medical equipment was found that he never used i.e. fabricated.
-Lies in statements etc
by The Moody Poet January 21, 2007
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When you can't stop buying shoes.

When you need 2,000 pairs of shoes for just 2 feet!

When you substitute dick for shoes!
"Com'on Mom just one more pair of shoes!!!"

"Are you out of your fuckin' mind young lady!!!" "You already have over 50 pairs of shoes!" "What's wrong with you?" "Do you have Imelda Marcos Syndrome?"

KATE: You only have 2 feet? Why do you need all these shoes?
ROSE: I dunno I just need these shoes, and this will be the last I buy this year...
KATE: But there's only 2 more days left of the year.
KATE: What about helping the starving kids in Africa!
ROSE: Fuck'em! It's not my fault all their governments are corrupt!
KATE: Gee Rose maybe you need to see a doctor, I think your coming down with Imelda Marcos Syndrome.
ROSE: Hrmm probably...
KATE: Second thoughts maybe we should just get you laid by the first filthy beggar we come across?
by The Moody Poet January 5, 2007
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The burqa is a woman’s garment sometimes worn by deviant men, which is used to cover up a woman’s or mans entire face, accept their eyes. The burqa is said to be popular among prostitutes who play out ‘The Dance of the Seven Veils’ where strips of veils are peeled off until the dancer is completely stark raving naked.

Historically the burqa has been used by scarlet women who were not able to control their sexual appetites, so were ordered to keep covering up until only their eyes were left to cover up with a shallow veil. An example is the beautiful young Salomé who danced for King Herod, his lords, commanders and important guests, peeling off her seven veils until she was left wearing barely a stitch of clothing. Much like a Cher concert accept a lot more pornographic. See sex toys and Jezebel.

The burqa is a Muslim veil that gives off mysterious hints of sensuality.

The burqa is a stereotypical image of a courtesan, harem women and working prostitutes in Muslim countries. See veil fetishism and mud races.

The burqa has undergone recent modernization with Kylie Minogue wearing a cut up burqa revealing naked flesh, boobs and ass. See democracy.

The burqa is a Muslim veil in the form of a variety of headdresses worn in accordance with hijab (the principle of dressing modestly). See The Prophet Muhammad.

History notes that women who wear the burqa are said to be women who cannot trust themselves sexually in the company of men or who are oppressed by men that will not allow them to have the same sexual freedom as them. emotionally raped.

The burqa is to cover up, to hide, to conceal, to not be seen, or heard, or of little importance in facial expression or of facial appearance.

The burqa is Islamic clothing and varies from country to country. Taliban enforced all women to wear full Afghan burqa’s or suffer death. To have but a hair sticking out of your burka was to also suffer rape then death.

The burqa is said to hide a woman’s shame and keep her behind a closed veiled curtain.
Lotus believed she was not oppressed, but having being emotionally raped from birth with Islam; it was very hard to dig her out from the hole she was in.

The Taliban raped and killed women who did not wear the Afghan burqa, or who wore it in an inappropriate manner that had a hair sticking out.

She did not have to worry about grooming herself or watching her figure, as who would notice her under the full burqa she was wearing?
by The Moody Poet August 15, 2006
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Like the pussy card accept used only between gay men to grant each other favours for sex.

To use the gay card is when a guy uses his body or has sex with another gay guy in order to get what he wants.
Andy used the gay card on Will and got the promotion he wanted. Although Will was 58 and Andy was only 19, Andy was eager to get a head in the workplace.

"Andy has used the gay card so much, anyone would think he was turning into a common prostitute!"

"Now Andy has aids and is nearly dead, Toby will play the aids card to get Andy's job."
by The Moody Poet January 20, 2007
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Big Love The Prophet is a Mormon guy called Roman who based on the religious faith of the Mormons is the highest leader of the Mormon Religion.

The Prophet is derived from The Prophet Ammaron who by the account of Joseph Smith, Jr, The Prophet was believed to be a Nephite Prophet who lived in the Americas during the 4th century AD.
"Oh Mighty Prophet how many virgin wives do you bless me with this week?"

the prophet does not want you to swap your wives like pokemon cards
by The Moody Poet August 17, 2007
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The act of having sex with one of the locals and then later finding out that you have contracted HIV/AIDS and a string of other diseases.
ROD: You get a Bali Shag?
BOB: Almost...
ROD: Huh?
BOB: I brought one of the local sluts back to my hotel room and washed my hands and the bitch was totally amazed that water ran out of the tap. It totally freaked me out!!!
ROD: Eww man that's real dirty in a third world slut kinna way... So what you do?
BOB: The only thing I could, I paid her 1 dollar and threw her AIDS ridden ass over the hotel balcony down into the pool.
ROD: Lucky you did that man! 90% of the island has HIV! It's not worth having a Bali Shag, just fuck the tourist's man, at least they know what running water and soap is!
by The Moody Poet December 1, 2006
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