Hardworking, cute, patient enough to deal with your shitty attitude, has dreams in life.
Cyril, if now's not for us, I hope we can make it in the future.
by palangga June 7, 2021
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A person who had a dream since he was small to become a famous actor and singer, but never had the support from his parents and family. He struggles to fight for what he dreams of but keeps getting picked on by people because they think he won't succeed. So he continues to fight for what he wants, and I know someday his dream will come true.
I'm a very Cyril person who one day will be successful .
by Swaggilharry December 21, 2016
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a term for the coolest guy ever, these people are usually good looking and ballin. They have cool friends as well as many hoes
That guy is so Cyril, i want to have sex with him!
by Pablo Fernandez March 7, 2008
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Is the best name on earth! People with this name are usually really nice, full of love and have a big dick.
Have you met Cyril?

Yes, of course, everyone who knows Cyril is a happy person
by Helena69 December 4, 2018
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Cyril usually describes a brilliant and smart boy/man. It also describes a god or a lord
by anonymous061222 May 25, 2022
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Cyril is a person who is very tall and quite popular for being extremely funny

He is also intelligent but he is also dumb at times
Your soo so funny just like a cyril
by John west120 May 3, 2020
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a good colleague, known for paying unusually high number of lunch outs. Has goats as friends. Can eat fire and live chicken simultaneously. Has the power to summon slaves in a banana plantation.
by T & I March 21, 2017
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