13 definitions by The Idiot Who Defines Slang.

A "Dr. James' Diagnosis" is when someone - usually someone you know - tells you that they were diagnosed with either a crippling or lethal disease. They could state that they need to take illegal drugs in order to survive, or say they may dodge death if they are lucky. Sometimes both is stated. However, they are lying and unusually give no evidence why.
Of course, the "Dr. James' Diagnosis" is used to the benefit of the teller of a Dr. James' Diagnosis. Either for attention, or reason for doing illegal drugs without friends taking that into consideration.
The following is a conversation where James makes a Dr. James' Diagnosis:

James: "Sorry to say but I have lung cancer."
Richard: "Serious?"
James: "Yes, I'll need to smoke pot to survive."
by The Idiot Who Defines Slang. September 8, 2017
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That one kid that always walks into class smelling like fucking vape, stoned out of his goddamn mind. I mean like Anne-Frank levels of baked. It'll make you go "GODDAMMIT MEMPHIS!"
Person 1: "Hey what's up Memphis?"
Person 2 (Memphis): "Smell my clothes."
Person 1: *Smells Memphis' clothes*
by The Idiot Who Defines Slang. November 29, 2018
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A cigarette butt that's still got some of the white bit on it.
usually less than an inch left.

commonly smoked by teenagers who aren't ballsy enough to steal a whole smoke.
but it's good though, good enough nicotine since they're usually smaller.
Person A: "Hey bro check out this Stubbie I got."
Person B: "That's at most 2 puffs you knob."
by The Idiot Who Defines Slang. February 26, 2020
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A popular form of freestyle whaling music.
Whale 1) "OOugha! HA!"
Person 1) "That whale is doing a nice jizz."
by The Idiot Who Defines Slang. January 2, 2018
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Pronounced: Kom-yoo-niz-um
Plural: N/A
Pronounced: N/A

Communism is an economic theory created by Karl Marx. The theory states to abolish all private property, and make workers the most powerful people in society and giving them less hours. The people get benefits for being workers. Money and class under true Communism does not exist. To show how it would work (In theory, mind you.), go play some Minecraft with friends. Proceed to try to survive in Hardcore mode. It is more than likely that you would share everything in order to be more happy and not die. It bases off of class war/struggle.
Communism only works in theory, however. Capitalism, the opposite of Communism, bases off of a "you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours." theory. If you want an apple pie, but you can't make them. Only Bob, but you're the only one who can weave clothing, then Capitalism would allow you to give Bob a piece of clothing while he gives you the pie. This is how Capitalism works. Communism says that Bob will make nothing but apple pies, all day every day, and you should make clothes all day every day. Then you give all of your products to the government and then the government redistributes them. Capitalism just leads to improvement where Communism leads to stagnation.
"Communism will lead to nothing but economic stagnation."
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