5 definitions by The Hulk

One who kills jokes; The act of killing a joke; To fake laugh at a joke one doesnt understand
Dude...Cassius told the sweetest joke today, but Jamal came in and totally gauvinized it.
by The Hulk May 19, 2004
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Some one who is a fart and a fuck and listens to dance music
by The Hulk October 3, 2003
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to start up a conversasion
- What the hell does that mean?
I dont know, lets see......
by The Hulk July 20, 2004
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Aliese is An enjoyable and super fun person to talk to and hangout with. Never know what may come in the next few minutes when you're with. Super optimistic and gets along with almost anyone. She's very adventurous and spontaneous.
Guys fall head over heels for her because of her happy and cute personality. Guys also love her cute and sexy that makes her more appealing when she talks to you and make should laugh.
1) why is Aliese so happy?

I don't know, man. She always looks like that.

2) where did Aliese go?
She went to Guatemala with her friend from Poland to help kids with illnesses.
by The Hulk May 13, 2013
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