25 definitions by The Fat Welshman

In Lancashire it means someone who either has mental illness or impaired capacity for other reasons. The allusion is to the traditional rag and bone man who collected rags in exchange for small trifles such as a jam jar or a balloon. If you were pots fer rags (pots for rags) you would do the reverse of the common sense expected approach.
Since our Tom got hit on head with that brick he’s been pots for rags!
by The Fat Welshman June 22, 2022
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A Scot living on the English south coast as refugee from miserable unemployment typically but not exclusively Glaswegian.
From Donald Farfrae the emigrant Scot in Thomas Hardy’s “The Mayor of Casterbridge.”

His name is a play on words cos he’s far frae hame.
Did you see them farfrae types in the back of the pub with that joint?
by The Fat Welshman August 27, 2022
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Concealed way of saying phuct. Both ways of pronunciation have been in use since the 1980s. I first heard the expressions used in Lancaster University.
Jack crashed on the motorway. He’s OK but the car’s peeaitchyewseetee
by The Fat Welshman February 8, 2021
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A loudmouth, someone who habitually says it like it is and some. Also implies a gossipy context to whatever is announced.
Probably Lancashire dialect or urban slang.
Your mate Tom is a bit of a gob on stilts isn’t he!
by The Fat Welshman January 11, 2021
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An idiotic Oxbridge UK politician who studied at Cambridge rather than Oxford
If Ken Clarke wasn’t so sharp he’d be a good example of a Cambimoron.
by The Fat Welshman November 15, 2022
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Pizzanado - à lover of pizza, pizza + afficianado
by The Fat Welshman April 16, 2020
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Fancy way of saying that someone’s arse (ass) is not connected to their elbow - derived from the saying that some idiotic person “can’t tell his arse from his elbow”.
Tom’s really stupid! Yeah I know - he has anocubital dissociation.
by The Fat Welshman February 8, 2021
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