42 definitions by The Captive Spirit

Similar to the expression ‘playing with fire’ although inciting different imagery. While both expressions refer to a course of action that may result in an unpleasing outcome either for you or others around you, ‘choking the rope’ more usually means its your own neck that’s on the line.
You’re really choking the rope with your attitude. I don't know how much more of this I can tolerate.
by The Captive Spirit September 13, 2010
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An expression used to inform someone they are behaving in a hyper or otherwise overactive manner (i.e. as in the metaphor “bouncing off the walls”) and your desire to have them tone it down a bit.
Marie: Upstairs, downstairs, please shut up!

Bobby: I’m sorry. Was I acting hyper again?
by The Captive Spirit September 12, 2010
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The stereotypical witch usually portrayed in movies or on television. These witches may be ugly with green skin and warts, melt if you throw water over them, evil in nature, or worshippers of Satan.

This is in complete contrast to Wiccan Witches who look just like regular people, aren’t evil at all, and definitely don’t worship Satan
Just because I'm a Wiccan doesn't mean you should treat me like a Hollywood Witch. That's so not cool!
by The Captive Spirit September 7, 2010
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The Bronze is the awesome club where you and all your cool friends plan to hang out over the weekend, only it isn't really called "The Bronze". You call it that instead of referring to the location by its actual name so you don’t have to worry about tag-a-longs
Clara: Hey are you coming to Everett's tomorrow night?

Molly: Shush! Call it The Bronze. I don’t want freaks following us there
by The Captive Spirit September 13, 2010
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Someone who is messy, loud, obnoxious, overbearing, or in some other way bothersome while being intrusive of your personal space. Commonly a roommate you really wish you didn’t have to live, or a friend or a relative who is at your house so often that they start to cramp your style.
Simon is a real dog around the house. He doesn't work, he drinks too much, and he keeps me up to all hours of the night with that noise he calls music.
by The Captive Spirit September 13, 2010
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A metaphorical location where no one is ever late, there is always a clock around when you need one, and you always have enough time for everything no matter how many things you need to do

Timely Square is likely a parody of Times Squares in New York
1. Will you stop asking me for the time every five minutes? I’m not the bloody clock tower on Timely Square!

2. They say that time stands still on Timely Square. Too bad it’s not like that around here.

3. I’m doing time on Timely Square. I’ve got the whole day ahead of me and there’s nowhere I need to be
by The Captive Spirit September 13, 2010
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Someone who never reveals their age and never seems to celebrate a birthday. If somehow you happen upon this information and share it with others they’ll take it very offensively.
Jackie is an ageless wonder. No matter how many times I ask she won't tell me how old she is or when her birthday is
by The Captive Spirit September 13, 2010
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