42 definitions by The Captive Spirit

A nickname given to a president (or any other senior authority figure) who is clearly incompetent and completely ill-suited to his position of power but still manages to maintain at least some form of likability factor.

This expression became popular during the early years of the George W. Bush administration.
All hail President Chimp! He may be incompetent but he sure does make us smile! Haha! Did you hear what he just said?
by The Captive Spirit September 13, 2010
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A Wiccan expression used to heighten the value of a sincere promise or sincere vow of commitment. Don’t say it unless you mean it
by The Captive Spirit September 7, 2010
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An abbreviation used to covertly refer to Manic Depressive Disorder (Bipolar) or Major Depressive Disorder (Unipolar). Simply referring to it as M.D.D. helps avoid random strangers eavesdropping and thinking you’re nuts.
My M.D.D. is playing up again. That’s why you haven’t seen much of me recently.
by The Captive Spirit August 24, 2010
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Someone who takes things too literally, over-thinks everything, and dismisses anything that lacks a clear cut purpose as irrelevant.
Abbey: My god! This is just so awesome isn't it?

Lauren: ...Compared to what?

Abbey: Haha! You're such a Vulcan android.
by The Captive Spirit August 24, 2010
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What happens when you bump into someone you know but instead of stopping to speak to you they just keep on going either without saying anything or just saying hi
Pete: I bumped into Alex today

Mel: Oh. Did he speak to you?

Pete: No he just kept rolling on by.
by The Captive Spirit September 12, 2010
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Similar to the expression “in your dreams” which is a sarcastic way of responding to - or interrupting – someone who is busy telling you about their master plan and all the unrealistically fantastic things they think will happen to them. Only in this version additional emphasis is placed on the boldness and arrogance of their claims.
Victoria: Soon enough your boyfriend will realize how pathetic you are and then he’ll be all mine

Liz: Dare to dream! Chris loves me and despises you
by The Captive Spirit September 13, 2010
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An ill-mannered police officer who pulls you over for a minor citation, gives you a hard time over nothing, and acts like he’s above the law. Of course if there’s a real crime going on Constable Charming more than likely won’t notice even if you try pointing it out to him.
Ali: This annoying cop gave me a speeding ticket because I was driving too slow.

Victor: Ha! Constable Charming strikes again!
by The Captive Spirit September 13, 2010
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