39 definitions by The only pug
by The only pug July 17, 2021
by The only pug July 17, 2021
Guy 1: The heck is that thing?!
Guy 2: What do you mean? It’s an Amiibo!
Guy 1: No, that’s a freaking Amiibroke
Guy 2: What do you mean? It’s an Amiibo!
Guy 1: No, that’s a freaking Amiibroke
by The only pug July 16, 2021
by The only pug July 17, 2021
èéêëēėęÿūúùüûìįīíõōøœóòöôàáâäæãåāßśšłžźżçćčñń Try pronouncing that
by The only pug July 17, 2021
by The only pug July 17, 2021