4 definitions by The Fish

An iPod-using pedestrian (typically of New York) that unknowingly risks becoming street pizza by attempting to adjust the perfect song and volume intensity while wandering into the street/against the crosswalk signal.
My cabbie almost flattened an iPod Zombie on the way to the airport.
by The Fish November 23, 2006
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An elderly couple that frustrates tailing automobiles by driving extremely carefully or slow, typically in an unpassable situation. Also can be used in the singular, regarding only "Ma" or "Pa" or similar old fart, depending on the gender of said driver.
I was making good time on that off-road until I ran into Ma and Pa Kettle going frickin' 25 mph.
by The Fish August 7, 2006
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The human brain's ability to enjoy a mediocre or worse film way more than it should because said film was screened in advance or for free.
"George said that flick was really good, I thought it sucked."
"Yeah, but he saw it like two years ago when they were testing it. He thinks he's special. Free Screening Syndrome."
by The Fish August 27, 2007
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