20 definitions by Tha_Cuddla

One of the hottest rappers and producers of all time. Been around since back in the NWA days and constantly demonstrating language wizardry and wordplay that is staggering.
Throw in some DJ Quik - lets get this party crunk
by Tha_Cuddla April 19, 2004
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A Cocktail

1 oz. Vodka
1 oz. Light Rum
1 oz. Chambord Raspberry Liqueur
1 oz. Midori
1 oz. Cranberry Juice
1 oz. Orange Juice
1 oz. Pineapple Juice

Mix in a tall glass and stir well. It should have a murky brown color, hence the name.
"A glass of Chardonnay for the lady, and what may I get you tonight, sir?"

"I'll take a dumpster juice."
by Tha_Cuddla April 19, 2004
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capri pants designed for men
1. look at that european wearing man capris!
2. look at those two guys holding hands wearing man capris!
by Tha_Cuddla August 12, 2006
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I will be back later, I am going to go get my high school year book and yank wang.
by Tha_Cuddla February 9, 2004
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the button you push on your car alarm keypad that makes the alarm go off
a dog walked up to my car and before he could piss on it i pushed the panic button
by Tha_Cuddla July 23, 2005
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A sicko, pervert, or someone who gropes
Jimmy was reluctant to take more shots because he was fearful if he passed out that Bubba would become Uncle Sneaky Hands.
by Tha_Cuddla February 9, 2004
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vagisil is a comfort
vagisil is lightly scented
vagisil is widely recognized as a U.S. brand leader in the feminine hygiene product market
vagisil is played by william shatner
vagisil is the name
vagisil is monostat's arch enemy
vagisil is for yeast infections and not stds o_o and i'm sorry i have neither
vagisil is a creme designed to relieve "feminine itching" and imagine putting something down there that you are
Vagisil is so effective that often times you will only need half a tube. Then you can make your money back from e-bay.
by Tha_Cuddla April 19, 2004
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