20 definitions by Tha_Cuddla

to consume large quantities of alcohol
lets booze it up before class today
by Tha_Cuddla March 29, 2005
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Usually a precursor to the word "hot" when linguistically challenged SweetVally High girls describe the attractiveness of girly-men like Ashton Kutcher
"OMG OMG OMG Aston Kutcher is like, sooooo hot!"

"Like, I know. I hate to change the subject when we are talking about Ashton, but do you have any Vagisil?"

"Like, totally!"
by Tha_Cuddla April 19, 2004
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an extravagantly powerful and juicy fart
un pedota jugoso scorched my draws.
by Tha_Cuddla August 6, 2005
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Yo, I thought this keybroad I met in Booty Chat would be hot, come to find out, she was really 350 pounds with missing teeth!
by Tha_Cuddla February 9, 2004
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an annoying phrase coined by dipshits at convenience stores, offices, or pretty much any place of business
Are we having fun yet?

No, pull your shirt up so the fun can begin
by Tha_Cuddla June 4, 2005
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similar to are we having fun yet?, a ridiculous and stupid phrase coined by would-be witty people who cannot be funny so they toss around catch phrases they hear.
working hard, or hardly working? ha!

you are an imbacil. we reserve the right to refuse service. we are exercising that right as of now. get the fuck out of my store.
by Tha_Cuddla June 4, 2005
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