37 definitions by Tc

you use it when you refer to someone who is or might be a mother, or who you think might have had a baby.
1. Jay, "omg shes having a baby!"

Don, "Wasnt she already babied like 2 months ago?"

2. "Are you planning on having kids with your wife?"

"Nah, she has already babied."

by Tc April 20, 2007
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Semi-restrained use of the term "fucks sake", usually muttered or used to recover from situations where bad language may be inappropriate.
"OH FOR FUssake..."
by Tc May 6, 2004
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v. To clean a piece of cookware by water only. Afterwards, drinking the water.
"To conserve water on the camping trip. The group sumped their dishes."
by Tc October 12, 2004
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the car was very electronicy
by Tc March 30, 2005
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Ultra-rare occurence of being exceedingly charming, while at the same time being blindingly drunk. Gives sufferers the ability to get away with behavior that would otherwise be considered socially retarded.
Those three hot drunk guys must have toast of the town syndrome.
by Tc October 1, 2003
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person who can secretly puke almost anywhere, indoors or out, without drawing attention to themselves
Eric thought himself a puking ninja, but the entire party saw him throw up in the fireplace.
by Tc September 26, 2003
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When a chick is giving a guy head in the shower and with great fervor pulls out, grabs on to the shower curtain rod, screams, "WRECKING BALL," and proceeds to swing his junk into her face.
Bill D. broke the shower curtain giving Beth the Wrecking Ball last night.
by Tc April 22, 2005
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