5 definitions by TTV Proove

If you find yourself an Alex don’t judge him right away. He hides his real personality which is a kind warm-hearted person. He may make himself out to be a jerk but only time will reveal that he is a great person. So, if you happen to meet an Alex hold on to him even if he hurts you once.
by TTV Proove November 23, 2018
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A nickname often after Olivia.

She has a very strong personality but a good one none the less. She is so beautiful but has no idea. She is often a bisexual or lesbian and every girl wants her. She has a way of making me fall in love with her and angry because I love her so much.
I once knew a Livi, she changed my life but she never knew that.
by TTV Proove October 25, 2019
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Fist to five is a phrase commonly used in school classrooms, mostly of younger ages. This is a rating system that is used to describe how fondly a group of people is on a certain thing. A fist being the worst or least liked and a 5 bring good or the most positive.
Okay class, from fist to five how do you feel about the test?

Jon I held up a 5 because I think I’m going to ace the test!
by TTV Proove January 6, 2019
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A max is a person with a huge heart. He is truly a good person but has a hard one showing it. If you date a Max he might not treat you well but if you give it time you will not regret it
I love Max!
by TTV Proove November 23, 2018
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Bailey can be used as a first or last name. Can be a name for both a git and boy. They are strong independent people who respect themselves and other people who have earned it. If you find yourself in love with a Bailey it will be a struggle but they will protect you from anything.
by TTV Proove January 6, 2019
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