14 definitions by TNunnster

The shortsighted economic policies of the Romney/Ryan campaign that rely heavily on the ideas of Ayn Rand. Romneyconomics pushes the trickle-down economic theory that ends up widening the the gap between haves and have-nots because it does not account for greed and other externalities.
Tea Partier: I voted for Romney 4 years ago - my income hasn't risen but the cost of living has skyrocketed and my community is deteriorating.

Rational-but-bitter Progressive: How's that Romneyconomics plan working out for ya?
by TNunnster October 24, 2012
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1. The active process of creating a culture of peace.

2. Shorthand for the federal Department of Peace
I'm so tired of all this violence. I need to get out and DoPeace.
by TNunnster February 6, 2010
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When the frustrations of a stressful job get to be too much, you scream obscenities over the PA system, grab a beer from the lunch room refrigerator, deploy the proverbial escape chute, and scurry off to a better life.
Man, if that jackass mentions his precious 'action plan' one more time, I'm going jet blue on his ass!
by TNunnster August 11, 2010
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The main reason for a paradox.
Dude #1: Now that I have a paraboats, I'll need a place to park them.

Dude #2: What you need is a paradox.
by TNunnster April 22, 2011
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A person of substantial financial means living a nontraditional lifestyle. For example, an artist, author, actor or musician with a trust fund.
Apple stock options have created a new generation of doughemians in the Bay Area.
by TNunnster February 6, 2010
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The misguided act of posting questionable photos of yourself online, thus destroying your chances of ever holding an elected office.
Dude #1: Did you see the beefcake pictures Anthony posted of himself?

Dude #2: Yeah. The idiot really pulled a weiner.
by TNunnster June 16, 2011
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Teddy Roosevelt used the term "bully" as an adjective to mean "wonderful" or "superb", and coined the term "bully pulpit" to mean a terrific platform from which to advocate an agenda.

An alternate definition of "bully" as a noun means someone who harasses or intimidates. The modern definition of "bully pulpit" reflects the misuse of the church pulpit by unenlightened preachers to bully followers into submitting to their twisted views.
I used to enjoy going to church until the preacher started using the bully pulpit to rail against homosexuals. This is not the message of Jesus! I have plenty of gay friends who are the kindest, most generous people you could know. I don't attend church anymore.
by TNunnster May 2, 2010
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