144 definitions by SuperSonicx

A controversial and touchy subject.

Being asked to belief in God with faith is like having to believe in magic. God supposively pre-dated your entire existence, so how exactly are you free to make your own decisions if he already knows every event that will occur in everyone's lifetime? We must be androids after all. God supposively knows when we'll be born, what we'll do in life, and when we'll die. So what's the point of even making a decision when your creator already did it for you, before you were even born? We're all lab rats, the earth is a lab, complete with mazes, and God is like a supreme scientist. Here's the best part, though: God supposively already KNOWS everything you'll do in life, and holds whatever sins you perform against you, albeit the fact that he already KNEW THAT YOU'D PERFORM THEM! I told her I don't go to church because preachers and such preach their views and not God's in the first place. I'd rather not have a group of people try to manipulate me when I already know what I believe. To top it all off, there's so many religions and bibles in the first place, how do you know which ones are the definitive ones? They're all sure that they're the right one.

Basically, what it comes down to is: Do you want to put faith in believing in a supreme being that controls your entire existence, or do you want to neglect it so that it can forcefully send you to hell (if you believe in that sort of thing).

Religion is taught, just like racism, sexism, and blah blah, et cetera..so how do we even know if it's actually valid?
Religion is one of the most thought provoking subjects ever created.
by SuperSonicx January 22, 2008
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The act of pulling out a piece from an area.
Walter Sobchak pulls out a gun every time someone enters a "world of pain".
by SuperSonicx August 25, 2006
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One of the first, if not THE first psychadelic-induced songs ever created. The studio techniques used to create the song were (and still are, actually) revolutionary for their time. Definitely worth a listen, even if you are sober (it's an even cooler song when you're buzzed!)

Can be found on The Beatles' "Revolver" album.
"Tomorrow Never Knows" is one of the greatest/coolest/technical songs I've ever heard.
by SuperSonicx September 24, 2006
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He's one of the best writer/director/producers in recent history with Scott Mosier. These two have pumped out several great movies. This is a very simple premise. Kevin Smith makes good movies. He is creative, he writes snappy dialog, and he is funny. From Clerks to Mallrats, from Chasing Amy to Dogma and back again to Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back --- his movies are very solid. He's also known as Silent Bob.
Kevin Smith wrote and directed Clerks, Mallrats, Chasing Amy, Dogma, and Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back.
by SuperSonicx September 4, 2005
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A great guitarist that luckily rocked out with Ozzy.

Played on Blizzard of Ozz and Diary of A Madman.

Check out Ozzy's "Tribute" album.
It has a live show with Randy...and he murders his axe.

Randy fuckin'owned his guitar.
by SuperSonicx August 28, 2004
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After seeing the Doors in concert, James Osterberg A.K.A. Iggy Stooge (before he became Iggy Pop) was mesmerized by Jim Morrison and started his own band, the Stooges, which inspired alot of punk bands. The Stooges were a truly groundbreaking band and the godfathers of punk. They were fronted by Iggy Pop, a legend of punk and one of the greatest frontmen around.
With albums like "The Stooges", "Fun House", and "Raw Power", Iggy and the Stooges helped define the punk rock genre.
by SuperSonicx October 21, 2005
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a whore that does it all.
"Damn! That crack hoe sho' was having withdrawls in the bed!" - Man who was banged by crack whore.
by SuperSonicx September 16, 2005
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