5 definitions by SquiuqS

Trump Handshake

To grab a woman by the vagina regardless of consent. See cupping
My boy Robert's going to court because he gave Becky a trump handshake.
by SquiuqS December 30, 2016
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Good German

Somebody who turns a blind eye to criminal atrocities comitted by the government. This includes: needless war, lying to the public, stripping civil rights away from the public, ignoring laws held to keep it in check and disrespecting the general populace.
Even when the man on TV spoke of "alternative facts", Jerry didn't argue or speak out because he was a good German.
by SquiuqS February 24, 2017
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Hunger Sadness

When your lack of food has caused you to become sad and self-loathing or mournful. Can be cured by eating food and doing something you like to do.
JEFF: Oh, hey, dude, you seem a bit down! Are you okay?
MACK: Yeah, I've just got Hunger Sadness. Could you pass me the chips? I'm starving and I hate myself..
by SquiuqS December 22, 2016
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When you have completely rid your body of semen via masturbation. Usually leaves you with an aching dick and probably may be the single greatest moment in your life as a virgin.
Phil couldn't come to class today, he's had a fapout.
by SquiuqS January 18, 2017
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Anybody who tries to put their name or their lover's name on Urban Dictionary. It's like writing how great and awesome you are on a toilet seat or a mirror. Nobody gives a fuck.
by SquiuqS December 24, 2016
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