25 definitions by Someone else

The opposite to fast.

Examples are Telstra, Ipex and Ford.
Fuck this Ipex is slow!!!!
by Someone else April 25, 2004
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Roughly equates to "so what". Can also mean absolutely nothing, depending on the context.

Context usually found in England, or at least London, is during the build-up to a fight in order to start something.
And what? You startin? And what?
by Someone else March 24, 2005
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A Wharry is a large fat pink creature that inhabits the planet of Naboo, and spends it's time spamming on forums.
Oh look, over there, that guy looks as fat as Wharry
by Someone else December 20, 2004
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Today while driving my new VZ Commodore i drove past 20 shitty Flawed Falcons stranded on the side of the road.
by Someone else March 17, 2005
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Yudansha Kobujitsu Karate-doh Federation

An international organisation in the martial arts world. It contains a number of schools teaching a number of styles, including Karate, Ju-jitsu and Kung Fu.

The YKK translates to "black belt ancient martial arts empty handed way".
Saiko Ron Yamanaka is the founder of the YKKF.
by Someone else March 23, 2005
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Surname of Isambaard Kingdom Brunel, a British engineer.

Also the name of a University in West London, England. (named after the above)
Brunel was responsible for some of the greatest engineering acheivements of the last 1000 years.
by Someone else March 24, 2005
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We played with the ram before putting it into the computer, hoping we wouldn't statically damage the ($$$) chips. (See ESD)
by Someone else October 15, 2002
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