195 definitions by Shawn B.

A Japanese demon with a long, red nose. Said to live in mountains and have a bad attitude. Tengu are also supposedly able to fly.
Our mailman Robert was a tengu for Halloween last year....kinda wierd, since he's 42 years old and still watches Sailor Moon. But what's even wierder is the fact he got more candy than my little cousins.....
by Shawn B. April 29, 2003
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A circle with a radius of zero. Therefore, when it is graphed, the only thing present is its midpoint.
by Shawn B. September 30, 2003
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Some poor fool who thinks the only way to become cool is to seek out something/someone remotely cool (usually lame or tasteless, though)and imitate it/them, be it dressing in piece of crap clothes, listening to some rapper who probably dropped out of high school or corny country singer, speaking in idiotic slang. Their efforts are usually futile and they end up being lamer than ever.
If you want to see brainless sheep drones in their natural habitat, go to TTHS. I guarantee you'll see at least 3 before you've been there one hour, or I'll personally pay for you to find a school with even more of them!
by Shawn B. April 15, 2003
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Something that you could just cuddle with and hug forever. Usually cute, soft and sweet.
J.M, Supreme Kai and Ky Kiske are cuddly.
by Shawn B. May 22, 2003
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Fattening and delicious; goes well with BBQ sauce, ketchup, and macaroni and cheese.
(Oh, the losers who wrote the first and third definitions like to =====D O:, :P(_*_), and :O (_*_)each other!!)
Fried chicken is good, but you can get fat if you eat too much of it.
by Shawn B. June 3, 2003
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One who tries not to eat ANY animal products, not even milk or cheese.
I've never seen a vegan around.
by Shawn B. June 10, 2003
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A fat guy who loves body-slamming people, eating cake, and rolling down steep inclines at 95 mph.
If Alex and Woo-Woo fought, Alex would win, because he's quick and weighs 950 less than Woo-Woo
by Shawn B. May 23, 2003
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