15 definitions by Seraph

That kid is beyond a doubt a queer-ass-motha-fucka. Yep.
by Seraph November 17, 2004
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The orange sauce that they don't have anywhere else on the planet. I believe it is Thousand Island mixed with French Dressing.
May I have a Jumbo Jack with extra Jack sauce?
by Seraph April 19, 2005
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This is the long (cool) name for marlboro. It is alot more fun to say and it confuses the hell out of people.
"Hey Jeff, I just went to phat K-mart and scored us some Marlboralboros."
by Seraph November 17, 2004
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This has nothing to do with homosexuals. To say something is phat gay means that it is extremely, EXTREMELY dumb.
"Hey John, I tapped that one 14 year old blond chick last night."

"Um...phat gay."
by Seraph November 17, 2004
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Where you get bloody poonani juice on your hand and slap somebody with it. This person has been 'blood slapped'.

"Dude, you just blood slapped me.
by Seraph November 17, 2004
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A program that runs autonomously, and which performs repetitive and/or remotely-controlled tasks, from very simple IRC commands to incredibly complex online game manipulation.

A program that behaves and interacts with other programs as if it were a user.

Short for 'robot', specifically a cyber-robot, almost exclusively used on the internet.
I set up a bot to keep spammers out of the e-group.
by Seraph March 18, 2004
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