14 definitions by See you on the field

1) Jimi Hendrix's bass player.

2) The enemy in your life that you keep the closest to you.

3) To be an obessive, jealous hater of someone you work with who has more talent than you. To constantly seek a way to screw a good thing up for everyone.
Noel Redding belongs in the hater hall of fame.
by See you on the field August 12, 2005
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Why are vibrators okay for women, but blow up dolls uncool for men?

Yuck, I would never use a blow up doll either, so why do women get to have dildo/tupperware parties?
by See you on the field April 15, 2005
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a crude term used to describe some of society's most independent thinkers.

a person who is looked upon with scorn by the mass media and the religious right.
Jessica Simpson's album was entitled "In This Skin" so that she and her female fans would not be thought of as race mixers.
by See you on the field March 29, 2005
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Sign language that women use to each other to cockblock you when they huddle up across the room. See also disconnect, flip off.
It sounds like they are talking about the weather, but that waitress is speaking cockblockese to that stripper about Johnny.
by See you on the field March 28, 2005
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A person or group of persons who casts "thumbs down" on an entire library of an individual Urban Dictionary author's definitions because they disagree with one of said author's definitions/opinions. Contrarians love to play red light/green light.
Sasha told all of her friends to thumbs down anything by Marcus. What a contrarian.
by See you on the field September 4, 2006
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That group of women (every guy has at least one) who wish they could get bridal for a guy, but percieved life circumstances prevent them from pursuing the goal, so they talk trash about said guy or try to stonewall him socially. A variation of the cock block squad.
Innocent Girl#1: "Wow, look at Big Marty's Pimp Aura! He's dreamy!"

Crabtree Committe Member#1: "What? Didn't you hear he's a faggot? What planet are you from you fat redhead bitch? Bow down to your new Cunt Nazi!!!"

Innocent Girl#1: "Um, yes... I like Paris Hilton. He's just another dumb asshole Nelly loving Nigger. Thank you Miss, may I have another.(groan)..."
by See you on the field August 22, 2005
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a tool used by some hateful mexican americans to keep blacks and whites divided so that they can slowly creep into the american power structure and reclaim their lands. generally fluent in cockblockese.
mexican americans can be some of the biggest racist cockblockers you have ever seen if you are black. not that i have anything against them, but just look at those haters standing over your shoulder...
by See you on the field March 29, 2005
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