5 definitions by Scratchykit

A pose made by bending your knees and moving your legs away from you while managing to not squat, putting your upper arms up so they’re straight (preferably) or high up and have your forearms go downwards. Bonus points if you cross your eyes or smile like a deranged antelope while doing so.

Used when you want to embrace your inner stoopidity or if you just want to annoy people to no end. Can also be used when joking around with your buddy.
Jeremiah: *walking laps around the school, minding his own business*
Jeremiah 5 seconds later on his head: Why is Isaiah just standing there in unholy creature pose at me that deranged antelope smile staring at me? This is weird as frack dude, Ikm going to turn around now
by Scratchykit August 22, 2023
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A state of pure silliness, pure awesomeness, and pure stupidity.

True meme gods go into this state sometimes.
Cameron, Talking to Ryland: Okay, what the heck just happened to Billy?
Ryland: He’s in Idiocy mode. Hey, at least that’s an improvement from him going googoo gaga over Jamie!
by Scratchykit August 22, 2023
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The war cry of absolute meme lords.

To be said while dabbing, T-posing, going full-on unholy creature, or derping. Bonus points if you make this a war cry in Miitopia.
Charlie the 12 year old rager, while playing Minecraft: Khan, you fracking rear end! I’m gonna murder your guy so bad, you absolute mothefu-
Khan: YO MAMA 69!!!
Charlie: …Wtf?
by Scratchykit August 22, 2023
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Acronym for "Trendy Kid." Normally used to refer to those basic girls you see in probably every public high school, with nothing unique about them, but can also be used to refer to popular people regardless of their gender.

TKs often fall into the Plastic from Mean Girls/Basic Blonde Girl, Girl who looks like she just came out of hot topic, and stereotypical basic girl categories. However, not all TKs fall under this category.

To be a TK, one needs to be well-known within their peer circle. Kids in Special Education are almost never TKs, and nor are social outcasts.
*sees some basic ahh girl making tiktoks in the hallway*

Eugh, another TK! Why is this school so infested with these IDIOTS?!
by Scratchykit August 21, 2023
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Exactly what it says in the tin- A literal statement along the lines of “Stupid people shall rule the world”.

Both a catchphrase and a war cry. Often said ironically, as the people saying this usually dislike Trendy Kid degeneracy.

Variations of the phrase include “Idiocy Shall Reign Bois” and “Idiocy Shall Reign, Your Mom, Ratio.”

Sometimes said/sung while bouncing around and/or T posing.
Ezra: By any chance, do you know why Isaiah and Jeremiah got into another fistfight?
by Scratchykit August 22, 2023
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