12 definitions by Ruben Mothballs

Acronym for Stomach Acquired Flagrant Erection
Damnit, I have a safe right before getting in front of the class
by Ruben Mothballs January 26, 2003
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Person1: what did you think about that play?
Person2: idc for it
by Ruben Mothballs July 5, 2003
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Person1: what do you want to do today?
Person2: idk you pick
by Ruben Mothballs July 5, 2003
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I was like hey wargo, he goes what do you want, I said besides your sister and then he threw a sandwich at me in disgust
by Ruben Mothballs June 16, 2003
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Penalty in hockey, also known as ice prostituion
2 minute penalty for hooking. Damnit Nick, why did you get called for ice prostitution?
by Ruben Mothballs January 26, 2003
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Penis Erection For No Apparent Reason
"Dude, I was sitting in English class and I got a pefnar."
"There aren't any hot chicks in my Spanish class, but I had a pefnar today."
by Ruben Mothballs January 26, 2003
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