12 definitions by Rooks

The sensation you get when you realize you've just typed www.google.com in the address bar when you are already on Google. The same sensation can apply to many other websites.
I really need to change my homepage because there's no breaking the habit. I've deja googled seven times and it's not even fucking lunch.
by Rooks January 20, 2008
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Stands for Rejectable Urban Dictionary Definition. There are many types, of them two stand out to be the most common. One is generated by users aiming to flame random victims through their vicious definitions of them, the other is generated by lovesick interweb users attempting to define their lover's name, usually containing words and phrases like "best ever", "can't live without", and "soulmates", etc.
I'm just started editing for UrbanDictionary.com but all these RUDDs are getting ridciulous.
by Rooks July 1, 2008
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The most common sugar and cream combination for coffee from Tim Hortons. Two creams and two sugars. Perfection in a paper cup.
Drive Through Person: Welcome to Tim Hortons, how can I help you?
Patron: Yea, can I get a Medium Double Double?
Drive Through Person: Yes, will that be all?
Patron: Yea.
Drive Through Person: Thank you, please drive through.
by Rooks January 26, 2008
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The turn of the millennium equivalent to the cliche nostalgia of hardships experienced in youth.
Bill Sr. To Bill Jr.: Son when I was your age I had to walk 10 miles, in the snow, uphill in pajamas just to get to school.

Bill Jr to Bill The 3rd: Son I lived Before Google (B.G.) so when I was your age I had to go to the library for information, only to find out the book I needed was already borrowed.
by Rooks January 9, 2010
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An Excel spreadsheet with no redeeming value, it's purpose was to provide data but all it creates is confusion and frustration.
Bill: Do you have the forecasts for next week's production?
Ted: No, the data Rufus sent is horrible. All of it was on one ridiculous spreadshit. I asked him if he knew what a column was. He said he just finished reading one in the newspaper.
Bill: I can't believe he still works here.
Ted: The worst part is I have 400 rows worth of data in one merged cell. I don't even know how he managed that.
by Rooks January 25, 2008
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To look out for and guard a particular area from thieves. The area does not need to contain especially valuable items. A common task usually delegated to a friend when having a house party, also the primary responsibility for mall security personnel.
Hey Bill, I need you to be on gypsy watch tonight, last time I had a house party my fondue set went missing. Make sure it doesn't happen again.
by Rooks November 6, 2007
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Someone in a position of power either due to their title or general physical strength that is acting abnormal enough to make one feel unsafe or uncomfortable in their presence.

Derived from a play on words in reference to Jesse Ventura, the 38th Governor of Minnesota and former wrestler of the WWF and the word Sketchy.
Bill: How did the meeting go?
Ted: Great, until Mr. Rickard went all Sketchy Ventura on me.
Bill: What happened?
Ted: He started sword fighting himself with his pen, while humming the old school Batman theme during my presentation on last quarter.

A great cinematic example of this would be Mr. Lumberg's dealings with Milton in Office Space.
by Rooks February 28, 2007
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