9 definitions by Ronald k chump

A person who demands strict adherence to “the science” as determined by “the experts”. Usually these folks take criticism poorly and view any opposing claims as blasphemy
Bobby Joe: are these masks actually helping with anything? They can’t be that sanitary…
Betty Lou: shh a science thumper might hear you!
by Ronald k chump August 25, 2021
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This phrase is what you say when an armed religious group storms into your office demanding to impeach you, or worse. If said group trys to persuade the senate to decide your fate, you boldy say “i am the senate
Mace windu: the senate will decide your fate
Chancellor palpatine: i am the senate
by Ronald k chump September 19, 2018
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When you think of a good thats revelent currently, but you waited too long to tell it and now its dead
Mark: look at that chicken crossing the road
John: *thinks of great joke*
Mark: Anyway...
*40 minutes later
John: i just had a joke miscarriage
by Ronald k chump August 7, 2018
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Prequel-Pilled is realizing the brilliance of the Star Wars Prequels (the lore, the soundtrack, the duels, and yes the dialogue) and that you have been conditioned by the media into hating the series by people that can’t comprehend it’s genius.
Bill: the Star Wars Prequels SUCK!
Fred: oh really? Why is that
Bill: The Dialogue! Ha ha so bad!
Fred: *spends hours of explaining the brilliance of the lore and why you can’t even fault the dialogue because of the net-positive impact it had on society*
Fred: And that’s why Anakin’s fall was so genius
Bill: *now a genius with an intellect of 200* wow I’m prequel-pilled
Fred: Gooood😈
by Ronald k chump June 6, 2022
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The only word that rhymes with Orange.
Gilbert: and I couldn’t think of a rhyme for orange for the life of me! I even tried to make up words like “Borange” but then I had to spend the next few years just coming up with a definition and normalizing this made up word! Anywho, I’ll have a Big Mac meal with a coke
McDonald’s cashier: that’ll be 8 dollars…
by Ronald k chump June 24, 2021
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Borange is a word that rhymes with Orange.
Jack:”hey I’m writing a song what word rhymes with orange”
Bill: “oh! Borange!”
Jack: “wtf is borange?”
Bill: “you weren’t supposed to ask. It didn’t have to end like this, Jack”
Jack: “what are you..” *dies immediately*
by Ronald k chump February 13, 2021
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People who are sexually aroused to the borders of the Eastern Roman Empire
Dalton: hey look at this map of the Byzantine Empire
Me, a Byzantophile: I have to go to the bathroom
by Ronald k chump November 22, 2019
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