45 definitions by RolphSemensDickOvensUWIDI

The leggings illusions is when a girl with no ass wears super tight leggings to make it seem as if she has ass when she doesn't. This makes the ass look big from a distance, and makes a man's mouth drool for dat booty. But when you get close or you get her home and taking them legging off, you realize that she has a small ass.

It's still sexy, but it's a lie.
Britney was so fine, she had a nice ass when I saw her walking around campus. Then I got her in my dorm, she took off the leggings, and I realize that she had a small ass.

I fell for the leggings illusion.
by RolphSemensDickOvensUWIDI October 12, 2011
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1. A freshman on their way into high school. Sometimes in a more urban school if you're seen in the hallway and it's known that you're a freshmen, the upperclassmen with yell "freshmen" to freshman to exclaim that they're new, fresh, and are easy targets for bullying since they aren't as experienced around the school.

2. A new first time jail inmate who looks frail like a pussy, and are most likely to be targeted for prison rape by more threatening and homosexual inmates of the prison. Usually to show dominance, the lack of women so some men get desperate, or for threatening the victim into the promise of protection.
High Schoolers on the first day of school

Steve - Hey did you see those freshman?

Brandon - You mean the freshmeat?

Prison guys

Mark - Hey man did you see the the freshmeat?

David - Yeah, I heard Bubba already broke him in
by RolphSemensDickOvensUWIDI August 29, 2011
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A person put in place(hence 'Plant') to divert things. Plants are used to divert movements, plans, plots, or whatever an opposing force wants to stop. Using a plant is a clever way of destroying an opposing movment without seeming suspicious or have to get you hands dirty. Sometimes plants are sent my one group to an enemy group to act as if he/she is part of the enemy group and try to gain influence just to mess the group up, or make them look bad. If democrats wanted to make republicans bad, they could use a plant that fakes like a republican and tries to make republicans look bad, and in turn make the democrats look better, even though the plant is playing a part prompted by the democrats. Or say if you playing a competitive game, and the opposite team sends in a plant to your team, acting as a friend, but he/she is really there to mess your team up and divert it so that the other team(who placed the plant) wins.
Figures that Jason was a plant, it seemed as if his whole point was to disband our protest from the beginning.
by RolphSemensDickOvensUWIDI February 29, 2012
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The result of saying "me either" with broken English, where the words are separated and create a whole new word and sound. A unofficial slang word of sorts.
Guy 1 - Man, I can't stand this damn movie. Change the channel

Guy 2 - Meeva(me either) *changes the channel*
by RolphSemensDickOvensUWIDI April 11, 2012
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Geek Chic is a recent (retarded) trend that has popped up everywhere. First starting with hipsters, but like everything hipsters do, it has gone mainstream. Everyone thinks they're a geek now because the have a Facebook or own a high tech phone. Geek Chic has nothing to to with actual geeks, seeing as real geeks could care less about fashion and a lot of them think it's a vapid hobby.

Geek Chic within it's self is an oxymoron and ironic twist of events by people who are generally not geeks, attractive men and women who want to act like geeks but don't actually have the passion for geeky hobbies or the intellect. Real geeks got picked on, and were proud to call themselves geeks because they could construct their own PCs or were very good at math or something, not because they spend massive abouts of times on Xbox play Call Of Duty or in some consumer electronic like an iPod or iPhone. Real geeks consider iPods and iPhones basic shit.
Kate is the most popular hottest chick in school yet she fakes like she's a geek in Geek Chic. Knows only basic stuff about tech, and is only an average student.

Many celebrities nowadays dress in Geek Chic because it's the hottest new trend, and are not really geeks.
by RolphSemensDickOvensUWIDI January 19, 2011
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A person, usually in their 20s, who likes indie music, alternative lifestyles, indie films, riding fixed gear bikes, and hanging out in bars and other places you probably never heard of.

An actual hipster doesn't go around saying things like "I'm so hipster" or "I'm such a hipster" because hipster isn't a thing to be or a subculture, a hipster just is, despite people who say hipsters spend their time trying composing their whole persona. Most don't.

Hipsters are not scene kids, as the generally don't listen to overly emotional music by scremo bands, they usually tend to listen to music by boring bands, mature bands, and experimental stuff. Even though the music can suck, it tops scene kid music any day.

Hipster style is usually outlandish, but ranges to plain an no flashy. Thick rim glasses, usually darker(not goth or emo dark) or earth tone clothes. Normalized colors, but outlandish way of dressing.

A hipster do not have wild hair, people get them confused with scene kids, hipsters usually wear hair that's less outlandish that scene kids, and they usually sport one solid color, unlike scene kids. And while they do, their hair still seems dirty, and less composed.

They also like vintage things, music, clothing items, video games, photographing, books, and even homes, vintage is a plus for hipsters.
Williamsburg New-York is fucking hipsters paradise. They're gentrifying Bedstuy by the day.
by RolphSemensDickOvensUWIDI October 11, 2010
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All of these definitions are wrong, or half there.

A dick rider is a person who is usually and overzealous mindless fan of anyone(be it a rapper, singer, athlete, music genre, band, or any given thing). A dick rider see's no flaw in whatever they are dick riding at the time, and if you happen to offer an opinion or simply not like whatever a dick rider likes, the dick rider will consider your a "hater" for offering your opinion.

Most of the times dick riders are female fans of a band, rapper, or singer who constantly praises the graces of a music artist they never met, or are going to touch in that star's fame . Male dick riders are usually men who want to be or picks up the "swag" and attitude of their favorite artist, and they'll swear that's how they are(this is usually a phenomenon in the hip-hop culture)
Steve -"Jamal knows all the words to every Lil Wayne song, owns all his albums, and even models his personality after him, and he get's upset when you say Lil Wayne isn't the greatest"

David - "Jamal is such a Dick Rider
by RolphSemensDickOvensUWIDI February 23, 2010
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