6 definitions by RevengeOfTheSeph

n. - In the popular gaming site of Roblox, the term 'bacon hair' is used to refer to players with one of two default avatars as their active appearance. The term was originally the nickname for the "pal hair" avatar item which was (and still is) a part of the boy/masculine starter player avatar, since it looks like bacon strips. Overtime, the term would start to be used to refer to players using either default avatar (masculine or feminine - there isn't a default option for anyone in between). Given that the default avatars were (and still are) commonly associated with newer accounts, meaning newer and younger players, it is NOT uncommon for the term to be used with either condescending or negative connotation.

A lot of users with more experience might call a such 'bacon hair' or 'bacon' (for short) out when they get caught doing anything between irritation and getting themselves reported, blocked, etc.

Side notes:

The featured .gif shows an avatar with the 'pal hair'. I couldn't find anything with a full-on default avatar of either kind. Also, I do not support the stereotyping or overgeneralizations of players and acting upon them as such. With any given game, I don't judge based on avatar, but rather as to what each and every player does that I encounter individually.

Player 1: "Uhhh, what the heck happened to my horse??"

Player 2: "I saw some bacon hair riding off with it. I thought it was his that just looked the same as yours, but I guess I was wrong."


Player 1: "Ugghhh, what is causing all this lag!?"

Player 2: "Some bacon's spamming the vehicle spawners. The vans are spawning into each other non-stop. Report @username, then we can play something else or join another server."

Player 1: "Aight."
by RevengeOfTheSeph June 12, 2023
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Someone should stick one of those labels on her that says "Made 100% from recycled plastic bottles".
Kim Kardashian doesn't have something that the majority of the rest of the human population has. That thing is a natural look.
by RevengeOfTheSeph November 22, 2021
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'Add yours' is a currently-trending sticker which allows one to add a post to a gallery made from a compilation of others posting under the same idea or prompt. Since a recent public update was released, it also allows any user to come up with their own idea or prompt and apply it to the sticker so others can add theirs. Note that a user can only have direct access to the gallery if they've already posted something to it atleast once.
by RevengeOfTheSeph November 23, 2021
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This is the question students ask most at school. It's the sound that resonates most each and every session of class at any given school.

Some teachers continue to use the completely outdated response of "I don't know. Can you?"
Any student sick of that crap to the max might stop the class to not only correct themselves, but also to survey the rest of the class via a show of hands to see who else predicted the teacher was going to play the outdated-sense-of-humor card
by RevengeOfTheSeph November 22, 2021
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Le book publishing company of Sean Sharker. You're welcome!

If I must...

Sean Sharker Publishing Co.
by RevengeOfTheSeph November 22, 2021
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Now, when I say the 'Cha-Cha Slide' challenge, I am NOT referring to when people would record themselves genuinely dancing to iconic song by DJ Casper; although, it DOES use that song. The Cha-Cha Slide challenge would be done while the featured person in the video would be driving a car - while they supposedly left their common sense at home. Whenever the lyrics went, "to the left" or "slide to the left/right" the person driving would literally swerve their car on the damn road. To make matters worse, whenever it went, "criss-cross," people would go fucking ape-shit berserk with the steering wheel. Unsurprisingly, this did lead to a significant number of accidents including rollovers and related reported injuries, but somehow, there are NOT any known deaths as a result of any dumbasses doing this trend.

I can only imagine what the conversation between those who ended up in an accident (while doing the trend) and their insurance companies could've been like. THAT would be fun to watch imo...
Both: *chilling and watching TikTok videos*

Kaden: "... Come on, man, there is no w-..."

(short pause)


Isaac: "Wait, what happened?"

Kaden: "She got into a rollover accident when she and the other 'popular girls' were doing this thing called the

Cha-Cha Slide Challenge."

Isaac: "No shit. Lemme see it..."


"...damn, I mean, to be honest, the hell did she think was going to happen?"
by RevengeOfTheSeph June 12, 2023
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