10 definitions by Rero King of Cherries
The Stone Army is an ancient evil army of living stone Samurai Warriors created by the Overlord during the first battle between light and darkness in Ninjago. Although defeated during the war by the First Spinjitzu Master, many years later they rose up again during the second battle between light and darkness but were once again defeated, this time by the Ultimate Spinjitzu Master/Golden Ninja/Green Ninja Lloyd Montgomery Garmadon.
by Rero King of Cherries December 19, 2017
You feel like a monster after you listen to the Skillet song Monster and it gets stuck in your head so you are now quietly singing to your self "I, I feel like a monster!" while doing the dishes or something.
I feel it deep within, it's just beneath the skin, I MUST CONFESS THAT I FEEL LIKE A MONSTER! I hate what I've become, the nightmares just begun, I MUST CONFESS THAT I FEEL LIKE A MONSTER! I, I FEEL LIKE A MONSTER! I, I FEEL LIKE A MONSTER!-song lyrics from the song Monster.
by Rero King of Cherries December 19, 2017
Nindroids are highly (artificially) intelligent humanoid robots with unbelievably strong programmed fighting skills from Ninjago. While most of the Nindroids were created by the Overlord and are evil, there are some exceptions. The most notable is Zane, the Master of Ice and the sweetest Ninja on Sensei Wu's team. The evil Nindroid's design was based on Zane's. The other exceptions include Cyrus Borg's security droids and Echo Zane. But any of them could simply be reprogrammed.
by Rero King of Cherries December 19, 2017
A funny term for a white person. It was created with the stereotype that most/all white people love mayonnaise, and from the assumption that white people are weird, which they are.
by Rero King of Cherries February 13, 2020
A person who is attracted most (if not exclusively to) Dio Brando/DIO from the anime JoJo's Bizarre Adventure.
by Rero King of Cherries April 4, 2021
People who identify as/with a JoJo's Bizarre Adventure character so much that it could be considered their gender. This is technically an umbrella term, as more specific genders could be named under this term, such as Diogender.
by Rero King of Cherries April 4, 2021
A phrase that was originally popularized on TikTok that basically means a vagina with no underwear on, except for the fact that Bare-Pussed is a much funnier way of saying it.
by Rero King of Cherries April 4, 2021