13 definitions by Rems Husband

A term used when you are taking a piss and having sex at the same time.
by Rems Husband March 11, 2018
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It is when you cackle uncontrollably after getting a massive erection from watching too much dirty films.
Guy 1: What happened to you?

Guy 2: I watched too much dirty films yesterday and I think I cacklewackled.
by Rems Husband March 10, 2018
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A term used to describe Mexican muscular feminists.
Guy 1: Larry is so disgusting!

Guy 2: I know! He's such a leturd.
by Rems Husband March 10, 2018
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It involves heavily breathing on a woman's tits during sex.
I just wheezeteased my wife yesterday.
by Rems Husband March 11, 2018
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An insult used to describe a cunt, or someone who is really stupid.
Guy 1: Why is Tom angry?
Guy 2: I called him a werpoon.
by Rems Husband March 10, 2018
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An insult used to describe a cunt, or someone who is really stupid.
Guy 1: Why is Tom angry?
Guy 2: I called him a werpoon.
by Rems Husband March 10, 2018
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