10 definitions by Redhawk23

The Theretical Super-Suberb of St. Louis, MO that would occur if the housing market had not died and Columbia and Waterloo Illinois had grown togeter
In 2012 Columbia and Waterloo will coalesce in to Columbaloo, Devour Dupo, and subsequently die of food poisoning
by Redhawk23 December 7, 2008
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a word with absolutly no meaning, simply made to be thrown in and confuse people.
Spangledorf to you!


could you please pass the Spangledorf?
by Redhawk23 August 3, 2006
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wasting time with others. The dirtiest term for hanging out.
I like to fanticize about mutual procrastination, you know getting some friends together sitting in a circle and watching tv for two hours instead of homework, yeah thats the stuff.
by Redhawk23 February 3, 2011
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1. The Land of Lincoln
2.Obamanation (Fuck You Hawaii)
3.The space inbetween Chicago and St. Louis and the eventual battleground in the war between Cubs fans and Cards fans.
4. Home of the most corrupt politicians in the world.
Chicago just needs to severe from Illinois and become its own state, most downstaters treat it like one anyways.
by Redhawk23 December 24, 2008
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3. Date of giant world wide celebratory orgies
due bush finally leaving office on 01-20-09 and the subsequent celbratory orgies, the population of the world will increase by a 3rd when all the babies are born on 10-20-09 causing world desctruction
by Redhawk23 December 20, 2008
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Horny ass holes on bikes.

By the time they reach 14 years of age, males are remarkably horny, yet have no chance of getting a girl, and little knowledge of what to do if they ever did. They are bored with all forms of entertainment that they enjoyed prior to their current age yet are too young to do anything else, so they spend most of their time aimlessly roaming the suburbs on bicycles. Their boredem can eventually drive them to try stupid things (i.e. skateboard street luging) or to generally to destroy things. Their lives are mindnumbly devoid of any acheivement of worth. They are the main target audience of 70% of Hollywood films.
What the hell happenned to this neighborhood? Was there a riot?

Nah, just a herd of fourteen year old boys rolling through on their bikes.

Damn, I forgot the 8th graders get out for summer before the other kids.
by Redhawk23 April 18, 2011
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A rapidly growing Suburb of St. Louis that at first seems like the perfect place to live on the surface. But truly it is the most artificial Yuppie infested place in the entierty of the mid west. The houses are little more than over expensive cubes of plastic siding, and the schools are more like asylums for the culturly ill.
Paying tribute to it's mostly German heritage Columbia has instated a self importan squad of gestapo like Police, who for some reason can do anything they want with out a warrent. And instead of stopping what actual crimes do go on in this town they spend their time harassing loiterers and skateboarders, or pretty much anyone under 25.
This town is supposed to be a safe, spottless community but people drive like the have their heads completly up there own ass due to having cell phones surgically attached to their heads. Also there are many accounts of child molesters and the like and recently a youth minister ath the local Baptist church was charged with making child porn at a church run summer camp.
Everything here is subdivisions with fake lawns and perfect roads exept for a small chunk of crap on the sothern edge of town that the city officials have apearantly have forgotten and pay no attention to and have since let to deteriorate with out any attempt to fix streets.
There are almost no successful businesses in Columbia exept a dominos and an infinite amount of Real Estate agencies that exist to populate the endless rows of siding cubes. There is no sense of community of in Columbia. Everyone is either too stuck up or distrusting to talk or say hi and busily rush on past you on the sidewalks, or try to run you over in their escalades (no joke). The worst thing about columbia is that they are constantly pwned by neighboring Waterloo.
You know all those bottles you always recycle? They aren't used to make sweaters and sleeping bags, they get melted down into Columbia Houses.

After WW II Gestapo officers, fearing for their lives, moved to Columbia, Illinois and became police officers.
by Redhawk23 March 18, 2007
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