6 definitions by Red monster boy

Take an overfull cloth diaper, put in microwave on high for 5 minutes. While contents are still scalding hot, press into the face of an unsuspecting friend and scream ‘SURPRISE!!!’
Bill lost his sight and required skin grafts from 3rd degree burns on his face after his mate T-Bone gave him a Slappy Nappy!
by Red monster boy June 19, 2023
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When one’s friends soak one’s head whilst slumbering.
Randy woke up with another Soggy Noggin after his pals Larry and Plimpton peed on his head all night while he was sleeping!!!

(Soooo hawt!)
by Red monster boy August 11, 2023
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After a previous evening of extreme over consumption of say, spoiled Hungarian goulash; one then approaches a sleeping paramour, drops one’s trousers or raises one’s skirt, and then lets fly, right onto the face. n. Nasty kiss
The king ranch casserole was rife with Salmonella, so at the time of evacuation, he took the opportunity to blow his lady a nasty kiss.

Big Bob had been hammering White Castle cheeseburgers with jalapeños all night and pounding Falstaff beers all night while hosting a nasty stomach virus—when time came to blow, he sidled up to sleeping Betty Sue, pulled aside a loose leg of his shorts, and blasted her face while yelling “Thar’s ye a lil kiss babe!!!”
by Red monster boy March 18, 2022
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Nasty Phillio, n.

Preceding coitus, patting, then rubbing vigorously goat shit across the eyes of a lover, then taking an axe to give this lover a nice set of cloven feet….er manually, that is to say split their foot up with the axe about 6”. Then proceed with coitus.
After dragging his sweet Catherine behind a pickup truck while having his meth’d up friends throw bricks and bottles at her and cursing her terribly, Jo-Jo decided a “Nasty Phillip” was in order!
by Red monster boy April 4, 2022
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The act of packing a can of raw biscuits up your lovers rectum with a broom handle, allowing them to marinate a few days, shitting them back out, then bake and enjoy!
Steven and Rob are having another of their famous “Biscuit Slamming” parties, and word is there will be some cream filled! Woot!
by Red monster boy March 12, 2022
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Nasty Gravy is made from the richly full diaper of an aged rest home guest. One will find that flavors and seasonings vary within regions of the USA, as well as factors such as: presence of E. coli, age of main ingredient at the time of harvest, and sometimes the gravy’s taste can be influenced by certain “scented” adult diapers.
“Made maseff a real nice batch a dat ‘Nasty Gravy’ and not only used one of granny’s old recipes, used a full soggy diaper a’ hers as well!! Score!!!”
by Red monster boy October 5, 2022
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