7 definitions by Random person behind a LCD

When a person is speaking bull shit and you cant find a better response to tell their ass off with.
You can go shove yourself up your ass.
by Random person behind a LCD October 21, 2020
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A game with ads that look better than the actual fucking game.

Places that don't even exist. Millions of deleted users.

Douchebag scammers that will scam literal children.
A chat that's censoring their users so you can't say FUCKING HELL without seeing ######## forcing many of their users including me to just use discord.
Roblox, Powering idiocy.
by Random person behind a LCD February 25, 2022
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Drunk male prostitute

A funny ass insult you can say when you don't have anything else to say.
Well you're a Drunk male prostitute
by Random person behind a LCD April 20, 2021
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Roblox Slender

A stupid 12 year old child on Roblox that thinks he's hot shit. They usually wear black shirts or some sort of flannel. With black hair that sticks out so much it looks like you stuck a fork in an electrical socket. They're probably stupid enough to do it too! They're usually extremely toxic towards other players. They pretend they have depression or they're emo.
They also scream into their 5 dollar microphone from walmart "MIC UP MIC UP MIC UPPPP" to the point where the audio starts distorting.
(Roblox slender walks in thinking hes hot shit. With his dumbass flannel shirt, His shitty knockoff vans, And his dumbass hair because he stuck a key into a 120v socket.)
by Random person behind a LCD February 25, 2023
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A funny ass random word you can say.
"Hey I just met you. And this is crazy. And heres my number. So FUCKSHITGRAVY!"
by Random person behind a LCD September 5, 2021
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A site that used to be a good place to get information but is now filled with misinformed assholes, Karens, Shitposters, Pedophiles, And awful fucking moderation that will remove your post for the stupidest shit.
Yo, You use Quora? Wow what a fucking disaster.
by Random person behind a LCD February 25, 2022
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A male Karen, Usually a complete asshole that will complain about everything, Usually has the same bitchy attitude as a Karen. And as much of an entitled dumbass as possible.
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