11 definitions by Puddintan3

As a hashtag, One True Celebrity Crush. Whether you are single or in a relationship, it's only fair to have that one famous person that you just adore.
A certain actress is my #OTCC. I'll read, watch, or listen to anything she does!

I love to write fan fiction stories about my #OTCC.
I am going to a con to meet my #OTCC!
by Puddintan3 October 6, 2017
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The (sometimes snarky) response to the phrase, "If you see something, say something"
Something = #TISS

The proper hashtag to close a comment back to a clueless person (politician) pretending they don't understand reporting unsafe or unsecure situations.

Similar to #TIFIFY -- "There, I Fixed It For You."
I see a disingenuous moron on Twitter once again pretending we don't already know why this happens. Who all do I need to report you to? #TISS

Maybe if you didn't vote against every bill intended to help people, there wouldn't be a problem? #TISS
by Puddintan3 May 26, 2022
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(From German) nein "no" + Stein "stone, jewel"

Antonym of "Einstein" as relates in general to "genius". Not smart. Lacking intelligence. Dumb as a box of rocks. 0 < IQ < 1.
Did you know that Albert Einstein is rumored to have had a cousin who was as dumb as Albert was smart? Friedrich "Freddy" Neinstein.

Watch out for that guy around here. He may be a boss, but he's a real Neinstein!
by Puddintan3 March 8, 2017
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Worse than FUBAR, Fucked Everything Up Beyond All Recognition.
If the new virus gets on your network, it will FEUBAR on all machines and other network devices.

The server farm had a sprinkler system instead of the new FE-13™ fire suppression. When the fire started the other day, the water went off and FEUBAR.
by Puddintan3 March 2, 2017
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