14 definitions by PohTayToez

Granny Shot

A method of shooting a basketball. The shooter will start holding the basketball with both hands downward in front of their body with both arms extended. The shooter will then quickly raise the ball, keeping their arms extended, and release the ball before the arms become perpendicular to the body.

The shot is generally looked on to be performed by those with little basketball skill. The name is used in a derogatory manner implying that one shoots in a way that a grandmother would.
It's so funny when Jenna wants to play with us, because she always uses the granny shot.
by PohTayToez March 10, 2009
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Spunky Cola

Slang term for male ejaculate.
Pit Girl endorses drinking Spunky Cola.
by PohTayToez December 6, 2010
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whisper text

A text message sent from one person in a group of people to another in the group. Normally used to talk about someone "behind their back" when they're actually right in front of you.
Matt was being a complete douche, but I didn't want to say it out loud so I whisper texted it to Nickie.
by PohTayToez July 14, 2009
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gang rape

Nine out of ten people enjoy gang rape.
by PohTayToez May 14, 2009
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1: Used to describe something that is fake. Can be a person, thing or act.

2: An image that has literally been drawn or edited with the program Adobe Photoshop
Dude, Jimmy is never sincere, he just tells you what you want to hear. He's so photoshopped.

Hey, those Air Jordans you got for $20 were cheap for a reason... they're totally photoshopped.

Clarissa told me she was happy that I had found someone else, but I could tell it was totally photoshopped.

Dude, I totally just photoshopped the heads of the Olsen twins' bodies onto some nude pictures.
by PohTayToez February 26, 2008
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A flirty cellphone text message, i.e. a text showing casual sexual attraction.

To create and send such a message.
One sec... just let me finish up this flirtext to that cute girl I met last night

Quit flirtexting and get back to work!
by PohTayToez March 19, 2008
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Describes someone that is attracted only to men in red and white fuzzy suits, carrying bags of toys.
See that Mrs. Claus over there? I here she is so hohosexual.
by PohTayToez December 4, 2007
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