6 definitions by Permanent Scarlet Letter
Some of the neatest and cutest chicks in the Navy. Although a funny bunch of smurfs who chant AO....AO....AO.
by Permanent Scarlet Letter January 17, 2019
Leah is One the most amazing people in the whole world. Funny. Amazing laugh. Someone you tune into because they make your life fuller and have more meaning. A special friend that you dont want to ever loose. One that always gets an amazing hug. Hopefully kisses to.
by Permanent Scarlet Letter December 22, 2018
Mum or mom. I love my mom very much. But I love my mum just as much. Its expected that a true momma’s boy love mom. But you never expect a mum. She is a lady that is the grandma to my kids. If I dont treat her right. SetMe right.
by Permanent Scarlet Letter January 7, 2019
by Permanent Scarlet Letter December 22, 2018
The loss of words is not always a bad thing. Sometimes the things we care most about we cant form the corrrct words. Things such as “I am sorry, please forgive me” dont seem enough. Then we try to say more and makes things worse. Maybe be try to pray to God and cant find the words. So silence sometimes speaks the reality that one understands thier failure.
by Permanent Scarlet Letter December 24, 2018
Brannon is a real person. Actually a group of people a family. One which can turn your world upside down. In a good way if you respect them. But in “puzzle way” if you cross them. I should know messed up once and still have scars to prove it. The way “my family” has kept me accountable is great. I will never live down my mistakes. However I am very greatful to the Brannon dreamteam.
by Permanent Scarlet Letter December 26, 2018