7 definitions by Percy Bruer

Yoo u finna stop actin' like a recard rn...
by Percy Bruer September 26, 2023
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1. Quite very unkind; foul

2. (as of art) outstanding; fire
That picture you sent to the group chat is so mean!
by Percy Bruer October 11, 2023
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Look at that henious little gent acting up on school time.
by Percy Bruer September 18, 2023
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of the absolute lowest or worst quality possible; inferior
Bro, that painting is wet below tiggins. Throw that mess out ASAP!!
by Percy Bruer September 18, 2023
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an addition added at the conclusion of a sentence denoting possession of an object of the person you are talking.
Shalln't we not go into the henious ballistery -of your?
by Percy Bruer September 26, 2023
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used to express uncertainty or possibility; perhaps
"Yo is u comin to my house later?" said the henious hoodschlat.
The rivaling gangman exclaimed, "Persay!"
by Percy Bruer September 18, 2023
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A position in which a person interlocks one of their hands with one's foot while simultaneously doing it with a third someone. This should form a triangle.
You guys should pose for the picture. Let's do something interesting like a Trilock! Shall we?
by Percy Bruer November 2, 2023
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