25 definitions by Peg Leg Pete

an extremely slutty female. the name screen door means that everyone gets a slam.
You hooked up with Katie. Thta bitch is a total screen door.
by Peg Leg Pete October 16, 2007
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Any unattractive dyke or flambouyant doushebag whose only purpose on earth is to annoy the shit out of all heterosexuals.
Billy - "Good thing you didn't invite Gary to the party"

George - "I know. He is a total twatmunch."
by Peg Leg Pete October 13, 2007
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a code name for beers uused primarily by teenagers, since it is not know by most adults.
"wanna throw back a few bruhas tonight?"

by Peg Leg Pete October 16, 2007
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The act of making ridiculous exaggerations about yourself to impress others and/or one-up them.
Bill: I drank about 14 beers last night.

Joe: Ya, last night I drank 40 beers.

Steve: Man, you just got sutered.
by Peg Leg Pete July 11, 2008
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The act of slapping some dirty tramp across the face with a powerful penis thrust
(Pretty much the same as a mushroom stamp, but without the stamp).
If completed successfully, it will knock the bitch out 7 times out of 10.
Last night Debbie was being a complete twatmunch, so I dodo smacked that bitch and she was out for a good 2 and a half hours.
by Peg Leg Pete October 15, 2007
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a mispoken phrase while attempting to ask "what the fuck are you doing" while inebriated.
"who the fuck is messing with me"

"shut the shuck are you shooing"
by Peg Leg Pete October 15, 2007
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An exclamation used after you have beaten some worthless bitch to a bloody pult. Usually accompanied by a spray of saliva going all over the well-deserving victims face.
After twerking Joey in Halo 3, Peter exclaimed proudly, "Get Sick!"
by Peg Leg Pete October 13, 2007
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