15 definitions by Other_Person

(n.) When you can't think of anything to define on Urban Dictionary because almost everything comedic has already been defined.
Guy: Hey man, what's wrong?
Other Guy: Can't think of anything to define, I got definer's block.
by Other_Person March 8, 2020
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1. A person who defines his/her crushes, friends or people with any form of personal relationship with (as if the person he/she is defining is going to find the definition and know who wrote it) on the Urban Dictionary
Stop defining inside people you inside definers!
by Other_Person June 16, 2020
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Man: What is 2+2?
Kid: 22
Man: ๐Ÿ”Š
by Other_Person March 8, 2020
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1. To try to spread a belief, that isn't exactly wrong and just different than others, (i.e. veganism or politics) and if one doesn't exactly agree with said belief, publicly shame them as if the person is bad/toxic.
Person A: Hi, would you like to donate money to (insert pro-animal life organization/charity)?
Person B: Um, no thanks.
Person A: Would you eat a kitten if you were stranded on a island?
Person B: Well, yes but-
Person B: Stop.
Person A (shouting to random people): THIS GUY EATS KITTENS!!!!
by Other_Person July 5, 2020
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1. Someone who gives a person praise so much that the person they're praising becomes a narcissist (whether he/she/they/etc. is purposefully doing it or not).
2. One of the causes for narcissism in children

Child: I'm gonna sing a song!
Parents: Go ahead!
Child: *Ear-piercing demonic screeches*
Parents: \o/ Wow! So good! Yay! \o/
Guest (at Parents' house): I think it's time I should leave.
Karen thinks she is so great because her parents were ego pumps.
by Other_Person September 25, 2020
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1. A video/picture/image that is pleasant to watch/look at/listen to, so pleasant that you can can't stop coming back to watch/look at/listen to it multiple times

2. A thing that you would look at, look away and be done with it, go back and look at it when you are bored, and repeat.
That gif of Kirby with an umbrella is a eye magnet.
by Other_Person June 16, 2020
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